From: rebeca (
Date: Tue Feb 16 2010 - 16:44:13 CST

On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 20:35:07 +0100, rebeca <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have solved the problem with this command:
> mol addfile trajectory.crd type crd
> Thanks anyway!
> Cheers,
> Rebeca.
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2010 13:12:14 -0600, John Stone <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can you tell us more specifically what error you're getting
>> when you try to load the crd file from ptraj? Without more details,
>> I'm afraid I can't give you any useful suggestion.
>> Cheers,
>> John Stone
>> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 07:31:52PM +0100, rebeca wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a NAMD/Charmm trajectory processed with ptraj.
>>> To open it with VMD I have to load manually the psf and the trajectory
>>> selecting Amber coordinates, and there is no problem.
>>> However, when I want to load the trajectory using the text mode, I
> write:
>>> mol load psf psf_file.psf
>>> mol load crd trajectory.crd
>>> And it does not work. I have tried to delete the first line of the file
>>> "trajectory.crd" that is "trajectory generated by ptraj", but it does
> not
>>> work either.
>>> Could you please tell me how could I load this trajectory using the
>>> mode of vmd?
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Rebeca Garcia Fandino

Rebeca García Fandiño
Molecular Modelling and Bioinformatics Group
Institut de Reçerca Biomèdica 
Parc Cientific de Barcelona
08028 Barcelona