From: Nuno Sousa Cerqueira (
Date: Tue Nov 10 2009 - 04:55:24 CST


I made a Gui for vmd.
The Gui is started with this :

        if {[winfo exists $VsLab::topGui]} {wm deiconify
$VsLab::topGui ;return}
        toplevel $VsLab::topGui

I have a exit button in the Gui that does the following command:

grid [ttk::button $VsLab::topGui.f2.exit -text "Exit" -command
{destroy $VsLab::topGui}] -in $VsLab::topGui.f2 -padx 20 -pady 5 -
sticky e

However, when I click the exit button and go again to the menu where
the shortcut of the extension is installed I can not longer load the
I can only do it if I go to the tkconsole and write the proc that
initializes the Gui.

If I close the window with the X button (in the top corner of the
window) I can can do it....

does anyone had a similar problem....

Regards , nuno