From: Dan Lussier (
Date: Thu Jun 25 2009 - 09:55:00 CDT


I am interested in visualizing an atom selection that remains constant
on a region of space (i.e. x<5 and y<5 and z<5) through the animation
of subsequent frames.

Presently when I use the "Selected Atoms" input in the "Graphical
Representations" pane in the GUI the atoms I select at a given frame
remain constant through subsequent frames. Although this is useful in
some cases, here I would like a new group of atoms corresponding to
the region to be selected at each frame.

I have some experience in doing similar things through tcl scripts for
the purpose of analysis rather than visualization but am not sure how
to proceed here as I'd like to do more exploratory visualization here
as would be typically done through the GUI (i.e. setting colours,
materials, drawing method, etc.).

Any advice here either for using the GUI or a script would be

