From: Lucie Huynh (
Date: Tue Jan 22 2008 - 05:10:00 CST

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to delete an atomselection with the command delatom but I have
the following error message: "no segment L11".
I read some post in the mailing list about this kind of message but another
solution was given, avoiding the use of delatom command.

Here is what I typed in the TKConsole (vmd 1.8.6 on windows):
   (VMD) 49 % set ref [atomselect 0 "segid L11 and resid 30"]
>Main< (VMD) 50 % set segid [lsort -unique [$ref get segid]]
>Main< (VMD) 51 % set resid [lsort -unique [$ref get resid]]
>Main< (VMD) 52 % delatom $segid $resid
   no segment L11

What's wrong with that? when doing "get segid", vmd reply L11, so I don't
understand why there's an error message "no segment L11"...
Thanks in advance for any help and explanation ?
