From: Alexandr Isayev (
Date: Mon Sep 24 2007 - 14:25:00 CDT

Dear Sangmoon,

I did not run MultiSeq on vista. But my guess, you do not have
permission to write into root of the system disc (C:).
If you have an admin account go to the drive C: properties ad add
corresponding permissions in "Security" tab.

Hope this will help...


Alexandr Isayev,
Graduate Research Assistant, and System Administrator
@ Computational Center for Molecular Structure
and Interactions (CCMSI),
Jackson State University,
Jackson, MS USA
   Tel: +(601) 979-1134
e-mail: alex(at)

Monday, September 24, 2007, 1:30:25 PM, you wrote:

LS> Hello, guys,

LS> Recently, my lab bought a new PC with windows vista system, but I
LS> couldn't run the MultiSeq function in VMD 1.8.6.
LS> When I tried it, the program showed the following error message.

LS> The STAMP alignment failed with the following message:
LS> couldn't open "c:/multiseq-0474937535112.start.domain": permission denied

LS> Is there anyone who already installed VMD 1.8.6 on windows vista and figured out this problem?

LS> Thank you in advance.

LS> Sangmoon

Alexandr Isayev,
Graduate Research Assistant, and System Administrator
@ Computational Center for Molecular Structure
and Interactions (CCMSI),
Jackson State University,
Jackson, MS USA
   Tel: +(601) 979-1134
e-mail: alex(at)