Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 08:04:27 CDT

[my apologies if this isn't a repost.]

Until VMD supports stereo:

Here is a script which produces a stereo postscript file. It works
fine for the orthographic projection, and perhaps adequately for


# Usage: psStero <ang> <dist> <file>
# where: <ang> is rotation angle [try 1.5]
# <dist> is image separation in postscript point units [try 300]
# <file> is filename for the resulting image.
# by default, psStereo produces a side-by-side view. For cross-eyed, use
# a negative value for the <ang> argument.
# Stereo mode should be off for the screen display for this to work properly.
proc psStereo {ang sep file} {
        rotate y by [expr $ang]
        display update
        render PostScript left.tmp
        rotate y by [expr -2*$ang]
        display update
        render PostScript right.tmp
        rotate y by [expr $ang]

        set ofd [open $file w]
        puts $ofd "%!PS"
        puts $ofd "0.5 0.5 scale"
        puts $ofd "0 100 translate"
        set fd [open left.tmp r]
        gets $fd line
        while { $line != "newpath" } {
                puts $ofd $line
                gets $fd line
        puts $ofd $line
        #x0 y0 moveto
        gets $fd line
        puts $ofd $line
        #x0 y1 lineto
        gets $fd line
        puts $ofd $line
        #x1 y1 lineto
        gets $fd line
        set xycmd [split $line]
        set newx [expr 2*[lindex $xycmd 0]]
        puts $ofd "$newx [lindex $xycmd 1] [lindex $xycmd 2]"
        #x1 y0 lineto
        gets $fd line
        set xycmd [split $line]
        puts $ofd "$newx [lindex $xycmd 1] [lindex $xycmd 2]"
        gets $fd line
        while { $line != "showpage" } {
                puts $ofd $line
                gets $fd line
        #don't write last line (showpage)
        close $fd

        puts $ofd "$sep 0 translate"

        set fd [open right.tmp r]
        gets $fd line
        #omit top part of file
        while { $line != "stroke" } {
                gets $fd line
        gets $fd line
        while { ![eof $fd] } {
                puts $ofd $line
                gets $fd line
        puts $ofd $line
        close $fd
        close $ofd
        exec rm "left.tmp" "right.tmp"

Charles Schwieters     email:
phone: (301) 402-4914  FAX:   (301) 402-2867