Computational Biophysics Workshop - Urbana, Oct. 22-26, 2012
Participant Profile
There were 23
participants in the workshop, with non-local participants selected from a body of 58 applications. A distribution of education is
provided in Table 1 and of affiliation in Table 2, while
Table 3 lists participant names, organizations, and reported current
level of education.
Table 1: Breakdown of Participants and their current educational standing. |
Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations. |
Name | Organization | Education |
Ting-Lan Chiu | University of Minnesota | Postdoctoral Associate |
Jun Feng | West Virginia University | Postdoctoral Associate |
Xinxin Feng | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | PhD Student |
Albrecht Goez | University of Munster, Germany | PhD Student |
Anastasiia Golius | Jackson State University | PhD Student |
Stephen Holmes | University of Richmond | Masters Student |
Suvamay Jana | University of Kentucky | PhD Student |
Anne Kjr Laustsen | Aarhus University, Denmark | PhD Student |
Thiruvillamalai Mahadevan | The Methodist Hospital Research Institute | Postdoctoral Associate |
S. Samaneh Mesbahi | University of California at Irvine | PhD Student |
Lam Nguyen | California Institute of Technology | Postdoctoral Associate |
Rahul Nori | University of North Dakota | PhD Student |
Ajith Rajapaksha | Purdue University | PhD Student |
Chola Regmi | Florida International University | PhD Student |
Charles Reilly | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Australia | PhD Student |
Jason Roberts | WHO Regional Poliomyelitis Reference Laboratory, Australia | PhD Student |
Oleg Starovoytov | Southern University | Postdoctoral Associate |
Mahendra Thapa | University of Cincinnati | PhD Student |
Mark Verdecia | Janelia Farm Research Campus | Postdoctoral Associate |
Ting Wang | University of California at Davis | PhD |
Kai Zhang | Institute of Biophysics, China | PhD Student |
Xia Zhang | University of Minnesota | PhD Student |
Kaifeng Zhou | Yale University | MA/MS Degree |
Table 3: Participant Names, Organizations, and Education