From: Ana Celia Araujo Vila Verde (
Date: Thu Apr 19 2007 - 10:29:43 CDT


I'm not entirely sure I understood you correctly, but here are my two cents (check the line with the comment below):

foreach res {77 183 188 198} {
   set CA [atomselect 0 "name CA and resid $res"]
   set RESNAME [$CA get resname]
   set RES_SEL [set RESNAME] ;# when you use [set RESNAME] without a value, it returns the value currently stored in variable RESNAME. So, RES_SEL will take the current value stored in RESNAME.
   set A [atomselect 0 "$RES_SEL and resid $res"]
Ana Célia Araújo Vila Verde
Penn State University
Department of Chemical Engineering
Fenske Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: +(1) (814) 863-2879
Fax: +(1) (814) 865-7846

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Vlad Cojocaru
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:58 AM
To: VMD list
Subject: vmd-l: tcl variable withing variable name

Dear vmd users,

It might be a stupid question but still I couldnt figure out the answer
... I am trying to do something like the following:

set LEU_AT "name CD1 CD2"
set VAL_AT "name CG1 CG2"
foreach res {77 183 188 198} {
   set CA [atomselect 0 "name CA and resid $res"]
   set RESNAME [$CA get resname]
   set RES_SEL ?$${RESNAME_AT??
   set A [atomselect 0 "$RES_SEL and resid $res"]

The problem is at line 6 when defining $RES_SEL (see question marks) .
$RESNAME would become VAL or LEU and I would like to select that
selection corresponding to $RESNAME ... For that I would need to assign
one variable name ($RES_SEL) using another variable ($RESNAME) Can anybody tell how to do this in tcl ?

If naybody has a better solution to do this ... I would appreciate ..


Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
EML Research gGmbH
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
69118 Heidelberg
Tel: ++49-6221-533266
Fax: ++49-6221-533298
EML Research gGmbH
Amtgericht Mannheim / HRB 337446
Managing Partner: Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira
Scientific and Managing Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Reuter