From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Thu May 25 2006 - 05:02:29 CDT

On Thu, 25 May 2006, Jeffrey A Tibbitt wrote:


JT> When I load in a pqr file that contains charge and radius, VMD allows me to
JT> color the atoms by charge. Can the default colors be changed to say --
JT> red (positive), white (neutral), blue (negative).

you have to change the color scheme in the color scale tab of
the color menu. please have a look at the documentation:
and so on.


JT> Jeff Tibbitt

Axel Kohlmeyer
   Center for Molecular Modeling   --   University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
tel: 1-215-898-1582,  fax: 1-215-573-6233,  office-tel: 1-215-898-5425
If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better idiot.