From: Chang, Christopher (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 16:48:27 CST


   I am screening a considerable number of protein-protein complexes, and I am trying to write a TCL script to automatically display the backbone as tube, and selected residues as CPK so that I can quickly determine the proximity of these residues. I am assuming that the commands "mol modselect" or "selection" play a role in this, but I have tried everything I can think of in terms of syntax without success. The syntax(es) in the manual is(are) described as

mol modselect rep_number molecule_number select_method


selection select_method

Unfortunately, the possible values and the syntax for "select_method" do not seem to be documented anywhere I've looked. Has anyone already done what I need to do, and/or know what the possibilities for "select_method" are?



Christopher H. Chang, Ph.D.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd., Mail Stop 1608
Golden, CO 80401
Phone (303) 275-3751
Fax (303) 275-4007