From: Ali Osman Acar (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2021 - 15:50:54 CDT

Hi Axel,
The native part doesn't change in time I guess. This is the 1.9.4
documentation and still same after 20 years. :D

As Josh suggested, calling the plugin explicitly will solve the problem I

Vermaas, Josh <>, 7 Nis 2021 Çar, 23:23 tarihinde şunu

> Hi Ali,
> I don’t think its that, because Karteek gets it to load through the
> graphical loading pipeline. VMD 1.9.4 has a lammpstrj molfile plugin, but I
> think the issues is that it isn’t being called for whatever reason from the
> addfile path. Karteek, what happens if you explicitly call out the
> lammpstrj plugin?
> molfile addfile dump.lammpstrj type lammpstrj waitfor all
> -Josh
> *From: *<> on behalf of Ali Osman Acar <
> *Date: *Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 3:44 PM
> *To: *"Karteek K. Bejagam" <>
> *Cc: *Vmd l <>
> *Subject: *Re: vmd-l: Loading files
> Hi Karteek,
> I'm using NAMD and this is how I load a traj file (DCD) with its structure
> file in scripts.
> *mol load psf $psf_file dcd $dcd_file*
> According to the link below, it seems like VMD doesn't natively understand
> lammps traj files. So you can convert your traj file
> one of the supported formats given in the link and load them as above.
> <;!!HXCxUKc!lemKqcmnHa2PFM-hKSkdY-WFUsR4c8HF70zDy65RVGjyeOMIuK00f6YuK2Sn8QQ$>
> Best,
> Ali
> Karteek K. Bejagam <>, 7 Nis 2021 Çar, 21:11
> tarihinde şunu yazdı:
> Hello VMD users,
> I am trying to write a tcl script for post-processing of LAMMPS MD
> trajectory.
> How can we read *residue names from psf file* and *coordinates from a
> dump file. *
> When I load them using VMD polymer.psf dump.lammpstrj, seems to be working
> fine and I can execute the commands in TK console.
> However, when I load them using text mode in a separate file, it does not
> seem to work properly. These are the commands I am using
> mol new polymer.psf waitfor all
> mol addfile dump.lammpstrj waitfor all
> Did anyone had such an issue and how can we fix this?
> Thanks,
> Karteek