From: Ashar Malik (
Date: Tue Feb 07 2017 - 08:15:44 CST

I am not sure if this would work - but I don't think you need "within"

Try it without "within" and see what happens.

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 6:20 PM, Udaya Dahal <> wrote:

> Hi,
> This may be a naive question but I am not being able to use variable in
> the atomselect command. I feel like everything should be straight forward
> but my variable is read zero. I am using the following command in a loop.
> The command is
> set s 61;
> set t 63
> set op1 [llength [[atomselect top {name "OP.*" and within z<$s and z>$t}
> frame 0] get name]
> If i use number instead of variable $s or $t then, this command works
> fine but it i use variable it seems like z<$s or z>$t is not read so gives
> me 0 as an output. Am i missing something here? I would appreciate your
> help.
> Regards,
> UD,
