From: Ashar Malik (
Date: Tue Jun 28 2016 - 13:50:48 CDT

It is hard to make sense of the pdb you are using. What does it contain or
supposed to contain? To make a PSF file you need to have a well formed pdb
such that the atom types and residue names are defined in the topology file
or vice versa.
On Jun 29, 2016 06:32, "Tahmina Akter" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am very new in VMD. I downloaded a PMMA pdb file from
> .
> Now I want to generate the psf file. I tried the AutoPSF. But it says
> Error: failed on end of segment Molecule Destroyed By Fatal Error. I am
> attaching what I did.
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Tahmina Akter