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Threading DNA through a nanometer-size pore, so called
nanopores, drilled into an ultrathin graphene membrane is a promising
approach to build nanobiosensors for sequencing the human genome. Graphene
nanopores can detect translocating DNA by recording concomitant flow of
charged ions through the pore (see December
2011 highlight). As reported in the December
2013 highlight, graphene, which is an electrical conductor, offers a new
way of sensing DNA molecules by monitoring sheet currents along the graphene
membrane. DNA is a highly extensible molecule and upon mechanical manipulation can
change its structure from a canonical helical conformation to a linear
zipper-like conformation. A new study, which
combines classical molecular dynamics simulations using NAMD with quantum mechanical
simulations, suggests that sheet currents, in graphene membranes, can be used
to detect conformation and sequence of
a DNA molecule passing through the nanopore. This new research will guide the
development of graphene-based nanosensors for DNA detection.
More information can be found on our graphene nanopore website.