TCB Hands-on Workshop in Lake Tahoe
Participant Profile

There were twenty participants in the workshop. Participants applied for a seat, and were selected from a pool of 107 applicants.

The average profile of a participant was a life sciences graduate student pursuing a doctorate at a university in the United States.  About a third of participants were already in possession of a doctorate.  Overall the group was internationally diverse, with varying backgrounds in biology, chemistry, and physics.  A distribution of education is provided in Table 1 and of affiliation in Table 2.

Highest Degree Obtained Number
Undergraduate 7
Doctorate 7
Masters/Graduate Student 6
Total 20

Table 1: Breakdown of participants and their current educational standing.
Affiliation Number
Education 20

Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations.

Name Affiliation Degree Citizenship
Anton Burykin University of Southern California PhD (in progress) Russia
Andrea Catte University of Alabama at Birmingham PhD, Chemistry Italy
Kevin Facemeyer University of Nevada PhD USA
Jesus Fernandez Cajal Institute of Neurobiology (CSIC) BS, Biology Spain
Samuel Flores Yale University MS USA
Biff Forbush Yale University, Cellular and Molecular Physiology PhD, Chemistry USA
Kim Gunnerson University of Washington BS, Chemistry USA
Mark Harder Oregon State University PhD, Washington U. USA
Ville Kaila University of Helsinki MS (in progress) Finland
Karina Martinez Mayorga University of Arizona PhD Mexico
Justin McDowell Florida A&M University BS, Electrical Engineering USA
Anna Modzelewska International Inst. of Molecular and Cell Biology MSc Poland
Elad Project Tel Aviv University BSc, Computer Sciences and Biology Israel
Shahid Qamar Arizona State University MS Canada
Jared Schrader Northwestern University BS, Microbiology USA
Jufang Shan St. Jude Children's Research Hospital BS P. R. China
Alejandro Valbuena Cajal Institute of Neurobiology (CSIC) MS, Biophysics Spain
Robert Wiese University of Nevada MS, Physics USA
Ying Yin University of Illinois BS P. R. China
Huamin Zhang Purdue University PhD P. R. China

Table 3: Participant information.