Since 1992 the National Resource Allocations Committee (NRAC) and Large Resource Allocations Committee (LRAC) have awarded the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group annual time allocations at NSF-funded supercomputer centers. In the year of 2007-2008, we are also awarded allocations on the NCSA Abe cluster through the Institute for Advanced Computing Applications and Technologies (IACAT). These allocations have proven to be critical to our research and development success, as demonstrated by recent highlights, papers, and news stories on our accomplishments.

Current Awards (in Millions of SUs)

Year NSF UIUC DOE Blue Waters Total
2007-2008 25.81 NA - - 25.81
2008-2009 49.09 12.5 - - 61.59
2009-2010 54.59 5 11 - 70.59
2010-2011 59.06 4 15 - 78.06
2011-2012 27.16 - - 24 51.16
2012-2013 18.46 - 110 - 128.46
Total 234.17 21.5 136 24 415.67

Previous NRAC Awards

Platforms we have used since 1997 include: