In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group
GPlba-VWF Complex
The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group (TCBG) announces an
'in-residence' workshop that invites 4-6 scientists to the home of the TCBG
for advanced training and consultation with an ongoing molecular dynamics study carried out
by the participants. The in-residence training program provides an opportunity for
experimentalists and theorists who are not experts in modeling, to
initiate a project that requires advanced modeling. During their two-week stay,
participants will be provided with office space, use of computing
facilities at the TCBG, and access to the expertise of TCBG group
members. The goal of the in-residence workshop is to facilitate
launch and refinement of participant modeling projects.
The in-residence training program is designed for academic (graduate
students, postdocs, faculty), corporate, government, or other
researchers who seek to extend their research area to include
computational and theoretical expertise in molecular modeling.
Applicants should provide a concise description of the modeling project they envision
for study during the in-residence program. To allow for advanced work, applicants should
be proficient in use of the VMD and NAMD software programs, and to have completed basic
tutorials for those programs as can be found here.
Furthermore, applicants are required to bring a laptop to facilitate after-hours work, and must stay
for entire period of the program. Housing assistance is provided; participants must arrange and
pay for their own travel.
Computational Biophysics Workshops
July 25 - August 5, 2011
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute
405 N. Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL, 61801
Schulten (UIUC)
Z. Luthey-Schulten (UIUC)
E. Tajkhorshid (UIUC)