
NIH-sponsored Workshop on
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics
Urbana, IL
September 24-26, 2018

"Hands-On" Workshop on Structural DNA Nanotechnology at Urbana, IL

All-atom model of DNA origami built from its caDNAno blueprint (by Jejoong Yoo)

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of the "Hands-On" Computational Biophysics Workshop series dedicated to Structural DNA Nanotechnology. The workshop is organized by the NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and will be held at the Beckman Institute, in Urbana - IL, from 24-26 of September 2018.

This workshop will be presented by members of the NIH Center, and by invited global leaders and developers of the computational methods for design and simulation of self-assembled DNA nanostructures. The topics will include principles of DNA origami self-assembly, practical design of basic and advanced DNA origami structures using caDNAno, visualization of DNA origami structures using VMD, multi-resolution simulation of DNA origami structure and dynamics, and all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of self-assembled DNA systems. Morning lectures will introduce fundamental theory and concepts, while afternoon hands-on computer laboratory sessions will allow participants to gain practical knowledge in using the design and simulation software.

September 24-26, 2018

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Urbana, IL

Shawn Douglas
Tural Aksel
Aleksei Aksimentiev
Chris Maffeo

General Questions:



Early Applications Encouraged

Significant Dates
Date (in 2018):
Application deadline for full consideration:
Friday, August 17th
Selection and notification of participants by:
Ongoing through September 7th
Confirmation of attendance by participants due by:
Two days after acceptance notice

Coffee breaks and lunches will be provided during the workshop. Attendants are, however, responsible for finding their own accommodation and arranging transportation to and from Urbana.

The workshop will be held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is sponsored by:
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics (NIH P41GM104601)
NIH Hands-on Workshops on Computational Biophysics (NIH 1R25GM103771)
National Science Foundation (OAC-1740212 and DMR-1507985)
Workshop advertised in part via a posting to the Computational Chemistry List (
Last updated: April 16, 2018
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