"Hands-on" Workshop on Computational Biophysics at
Atlanta, GA
Orbitals in the bc1 Complex
This workshop will be presented by members of the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in collaboration with the research group of JC Gumbart at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Topics will cover instruction in state-of-the-art molecular dynamics simulation and free energy techniques using NAMD, analysis and visualization with VMD, and bacterial cell simulations with Lattice Microbes. Morning lecture presentations will introduce fundamental theory and concepts, while afternoon hands-on computer laboratory sessions will allow participants to apply NAMD, VMD, and Lattice Microbes directly in a series of guided tutorials. The workshop is designed for all students and researchers in computational and/or biophysical fields who seek to extend their expertise to include biomolecular simulations. Experimentalists and non-specialists are encouraged to attend and will benefit particularly from instruction in the use of QwikMD, a new teaching software incorporating NAMD and VMD that significantly lowers the learning curve for novice users.
November 14-18, 2016
Marcus Nano 1117-1118
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
J.C. Gumbart (GaTech)
Zan Luthey-Schulten (UIUC)
Aleksei Aksimentiev (UIUC)
General Questions: