Angela M. Barragan

Home Department: Physics
Office Address: Beckman Institute, Room 3115
Office Phone: (217) 244-1851
Email Address:
- B.Sc. in Physics, University of Antioquia, Colombia, 2009
- M.Sc. in Physics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico, 2013
Research interests
We use computational and theoretical approaches to study the reaction mechanisms of bioenergetic proteins, such as the cytochrome bc1 complex. Find more here.Publications
- Mechanism of the Primary Charge Transfer Reaction in the Cytochrome bc1 Complex Angela M. Barragan, Klaus Schulten, and Ilia A. Solov'yov. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 120, Issue 44, pp. 11369-11380 (2016) Cover
- Binding Site Recognition and Docking Dynamics of a Single Electron Transport Protein: Cytochrome c2 Abhishek Singharoy, Angela M. Barragan, Sundar Thangapandian, Emad Tajkhorshid, Klaus Schulten. Journal of American Chemical Association, Vol. 138, Issue 37, pp. 12077-12089 (2016)
- Atomic Detail Visualization of Photosynthetic Membranes with GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing J. Stone, M. Sener, K. L. Vandivort, A. Barragan, A. Singharoy, I. Teo, B. Isralewitz, B. Liu, B. C. Goh, J. C. Phillips, C. MacGregor-Chatwin, M. Johnson, L. F. Kourkoutis, C. N. Hunter, K. Schulten. Parallel Computing, Vol. 55, pp. 17-27 (2016)
- Identification of Ubiquinol Binding Motifs at the Qo-Site of the Cytochrome bc1 Complex Angela M. Barragan, Antony R. Crofts, Klaus Schulten, and Ilia A. Solov'yov. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 119, Issue 2, pp. 433-447 (2015) Cover
- Visualization of Energy Conversion Processes in a Light Harvesting Organelle at Atomic Detail Melih Sener, John E. Stone, Angela Barragan, Abhishek Singharoy, Ivan Teo, Kirby L. Vandivort, Barry Isralewitz, Bo Liu, Boon Chong Goh, James C. Phillips, Lena F. Kourkoutis, C. Neil Hunter, Klaus Schulten. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC'14. IEEE Press (2014)
- Configurable spatiotemporal properties in a photon-pair source based on spontaneous four-wave mixing with multiple transverse modes Daniel Cruz-Delgado, Jorge Monroy-Ruz, Angela M. Barragan, Erasto Ortiz-Ricardo, Hector Cruz-Ramirez, Roberto Ramirez-Alarcon, Karina Garay-Palmett, and Alfred B. U'Ren. Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 12, pp. 3583-3586 (2014)

Multiple JPCB covers featuring my cover images

Production of scientific videos and other images
- Winner of the Biophysical Society The Art of Science Image Contest:

See coverage here:
BPS Blog
Cell Picture Show: Beauty in Biophysics
BPS Image Contest winners