
The workshop follows a four-day calendar:  Participants watch the streaming video of the course lecture and complete the workshop tutorials at their own pace during the first three days of the workshop, and on the fourth day submit via email questions to the instructor that are answered during the conference call, along with other participant questions. Questions about the workshop program should be sent to

November 28-30: Lecture and Tutorials

  • Participants are on their own to watch the streaming video of the lecture "Simulating Membrane Channels"
  • Participants are on their own to complete the "Membrane Proteins" and "Simulation of Water Permeation Through Nanotubes" tutorials
  • Participants should during this time also formulate questions for the instructor, which will be emailed to the instructor for discussion during the conference call
    • Questions must be relevant to the workshop content, i.e., related to the lecture and/or tutorials
    • Questions must be of a reasonable length, 1/4 page of a standard page is a good rule of thumb for maximum length

December 1: Skype Conference Phone Call (in USA Central Time Zone, 12-hour clock)

  9:00-9:05 AM Participants to send questions via e-mail to the instructor, with subject line "Online Membrane Channel Workshop Question"
11:00-11:10 AM

Conference call Skype session begins (Skype contact information will be sent via email to participants)
- Accept conference invitation from instructor
- Brief sound/microphone check
- Please turn off your mic when not speaking to limit background noise

11:10-12:00 PM Questions and discussion with instructor

Current Date/Time in Urbana, IL (home of TCBG)

Note: program subject to change.