GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling Workshop - Urbana, Aug. 6-8, 2010
Participant Profile
There were 19
participants in the workshop, a mixture of of local University of Ilinois students and scientists from a variety of institutions who applied to be in the workshop.
Table 1: Breakdown of Participants and their current educational standing. |
Table 2: Distribution of types of participant work locations. |
Name | Institute | Education |
Ryan Bubinski | Columbia University | Undergraduate |
Ke Chen | University of Illinois | PhD Student |
Nathan Ellingwood | University of Iowa | PhD Student |
Fernanda Foertter | Genus Plc | MA/MS Degree |
William French | Vanderbilt University | PhD Student |
Trevor Gokey | San Francisco State University | Masters Student |
Chris Harrison | University of Illinois | Postdoctoral Associate |
Jen Hsin | University of Illinois | Postdoctoral Associate |
Barry Isralewitz | University of Illinois | Postdoctoral Associate |
Tyler Luchko | Rutgers University | Postdoctoral Associate |
Diane Lynch | University of North Carolina | Postdoctoral Associate |
Victor Ovchinnikov | Harvard University | Postdoctoral Associate |
Avi Purkayastha | National Renewable Energy Labs | PhD |
Chaitanya Sathe | University of Illinois | PhD Student |
Cinque Soto | University of Pennsylvania | PhD |
Timothy Travers | University of Pittsburgh | PhD Student |
Kenneth Tussey | University of Illinois | PhD Student |
Li Wan | Vanderbilt University | PhD Student |
Hang Yu | University of Illinois | PhD Student |
Table 3: Participant Names, Institutes, and Education