VMD 1.8.5 Documentation
- Quick Help
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- VMD-L Mailing List Archive
- VMD reference manuals and programming documentation
- VMD 1.8.5 Release Notes
- Main README Release Notes
- Windows Release Notes
- Linux Release Notes
- MacOS X Release Notes
- Known bugs and workarounds
- VMD Installation Guide: (Online HTML)
- PDF (115K)
- Tar/gzip HTML ( 11K)
- VMD User's Guide: (Online HTML)
- PDF (1.3M)
- Tar/gzip HTML (402K)
- User's Guide Tutorial Molecules(445K)
- VMD Plugin Documentation (Online HTML)
- VMD Programmer's Guide (Online HTML, updated nightly)
- PDF (115K)
- VMD 1.8.5 Release Notes
- VMD tutorials
developed by the NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics, UIUC
- VMD mini-tutorials resulting from frequently asked questions (Online HTML)
- VMD Molecular Graphics (Online HTML)
- PDF ( 18M)
- Browse Required Tutorial Files
- All Tutorial Files ( 47M)
- VMD Images and Movies (Online HTML)
- PDF ([an error occurred while processing this directive])
- Browse Required Tutorial Files
- All Tutorial Files ([an error occurred while processing this directive])
- MultiSeq plugin: Evolution of Biomolecular Structure, School of Chemical Sciences, UIUC
- Complete list of locally developed tutorials and scientific case studies
- PDF ( 18M)
- VMD tutorials maintained at other sites:
- Visualizing Molecules with VMD, by Christoph Weber, The Scripps Research Institute
- Using VMD with AMBER, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
- DNA polyA-PolyT Decamer (AMBER 8 tutorial with VMD visualization examples), Ross Walker, The Scripps Research Institute
- APBS Tutorial (VMD visualization examples), Nathan Baker, Washington University in St. Louis
- Poisson Boltzmann Tutotial: Using APBS for implicit solvent calculations (VMD visualization examples), Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at UCSD
- Visualization and Analysis of Quantum Chemical and Molecular Dynamics Data with VMD, by Axel Kohlmeyer, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
- Explicit Membrane Protein Simulations in NAMD/VMD, by Richard Law of the McCammon group, UCSD
- Biomolecules: Databanks, Visualization and Computations, by Peter Schellenberg, IMB JENA
- Using VMD to visualize EM maps docked with SITUS, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston
- A short guide to the Visualization of Membrane Protein systems, by Alfredo Freites, UC Irvine
- Introduction to Molecular Dynamics (VMD visualization examples), by the Molecular Dynamics Group, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
- VASP plugins for VMD, by Sung Sakong, Dept. of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Ulm, Germany