Windows Installation Notes:

  • VMD XP as the base operating system.
  • VMD requires a pentium class machine with approximately 256MB of RAM, and a 16-bit color video as a minimally useful configuration. The use of a fast OpenGL hardware accelerated video card is highly recommended.
  • The binary distribution of VMD 1.8.4 for Windows doesn't currently have Python scripting enabled due to complexities in redistributing the Python libraries. We expect to provide Python support for the Windows versions in a subsequent VMD build.

Stereoscopic Display Information

  • VMD supports quad-buffered frame sequential stereo rendering. Specific information on setting up stereo on PC's can be found among the several links from the web site below. Many of the low-end stereo solutions are not currently capable of working within VMD, but we have are evaluating adding such support into VMD. The web sites below contain good discussions of the hardware and software compatibility issues for stereo, particularly for PC's running Windows.
  • Scitech GLDirect

Hardware 3-D video accelerators tested with VMD