VMD 1.5 Windows Release Notes
Windows Installation Notes:
- VMD requires a pentium class machine with approximately 32MB of RAM, and 16-bit color video as a minimally useful configuration. The use of an OpenGL hardware accelerated video card is highly recommended.
- In order to achieve hardware accelerated 3-D rendering, your video board must have an "OpenGL ICD" type video driver. Once you have an appropriate driver, you may need to set the board it to a particular video mode in order to enable the hardware acceleration features. The instructions that come with the video driver should mention what modes are fully accelerated. You can retrieve current OpenGL drivers for many video boards (for Win9x) by using the GLSetup utility.
- Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 installations should be trivial. Windows 98/NT/2000 ship with all necessary software components.
- Windows 95 users MUST have Winsock2 and OpenGL installed on their machines in order to run VMD.
Hardware 3-D video accelerators tested with VMD
- List of video boards and setup options for best VMD performance
- A list of 3-D accelerators that have stereo sync outputs
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 OpenGL info at other sites:
- GLSetup, a new automated OpenGL setup utility for Win98
- List of 3D accelerators with full OpenGL drivers (www.opengl.org)
- SciTech GLDirect OpenGL translator for boards that support DirectX 6.x