Alignment to principal axes in VMD

Installing the scripts
To use the principal axis scripts, you will need to follow these steps:
- Download
. The latter is a linear algebra package by Hume Integration Software; you can look at the La homepage for more information. - Unpack the scripts
gunzip orient.tar.gz tar xf orient.tar gunzip la101psx.tar.gz tar xf la101psx.tar
- Add the following lines to your .vmdrc to make it easy to load the
packages; replace "/home/paul/scripts/" with the directory in
which you unpacked the packages:
lappend auto_path /home/paul/scripts/la1.0 lappend auto_path /home/paul/scripts/orient
Aligning a molecule to its principal axes
Load the molecule into vmd, and run the following commands to align the first, second, and third principal axes to the x, y, and z axes.package require Orient namespace import Orient::orient set sel [atomselect top "all"] set I [draw principalaxes $sel] set A [orient $sel [lindex $I 2] {0 0 1}] $sel move $A set I [draw principalaxes $sel] set A [orient $sel [lindex $I 1] {0 1 0}] $sel move $A set I [draw principalaxes $sel]You may want to use the principal axes (stored in I) for other purposes than alignment, or modify the script to get information about the moments of inertia.