VMD Python Library
For those that are not comfortable compiling and installing their own Python and Numeric libraries, I've posted pre-built python libraries that can be unpacked and used with our binary distributions of VMD. To use one of these, follow these steps:
- cd /to/some/directory/where/you/want/it
- gunzip pylib.macosx.tar.gz
- tar -xvf pylib.macosx.tar.gz
- setenv PYTHONHOME /path/to/lib_LINUX (replace with your correct path...)
- vmd
Python binary builds for VMD 1.8.7 (33MB each, compressed):
Python binary builds for VMD 1.8.4, 1.8.5, and 1.8.6 (20MB each, compressed):
- pylib.irix.64.tar.gz
- pylib.irix.tar.gz
- pylib.linux.amd64.tar.gz
- pylib.linux.tar.gz
- pylib.solaris2.64.tar.gz
- pylib.solaris2.tar.gz