This plugin provides a complete solution for creating simple demonstrations with Tk menus, keyboard/joystick/spaceball control buttons, and fully-automatic timed demo loops.
Example window created by DemoMaster

Example demo script

  # load the package
  package require demomaster

  # delete any existing demomaster windows 

  # create a new Tk window with buttons
  ::DemoMaster::usewindow .test "Test VMD Demo Window #1"

  # add buttons, associated actions, and timed delays (for
  # autorun) to the demo window/procedure
  ::DemoMaster::addbutton {Start Demo} { puts "start demo" }  1
  ::DemoMaster::addbutton {Button 1} { puts "button 1" }  1
  ::DemoMaster::addbutton {Button 2} { puts "button 2" }  1
  ::DemoMaster::addbutton {Button 3} { puts "button 3" }  1
  ::DemoMaster::addbutton {Button 4} { puts "button 4" }  1

  # display the newly added buttons etc

  # setup hot keys for the OpenGL window that step through the buttons
  ::DemoMaster::registernexthotkey 1
  ::DemoMaster::registerprevhotkey 2

  # print out the current demo status

  # run the demo automatically with no user input, stepping through
  # the buttons with the specified time delays etc.