NPT Simulation

The following NAMD configuration file performs the final stage of the simulation. The langevinDamping parameter has been reduced and the langevinPistonDecay parameter has been increased to more closely approximate free dynamics while still maintaining an NPT ensemble. Options needed only for equilibration have been removed and this is also an example of continuing a simulation.

structure 	grama.psf
coordinates 	equil_out.coor
velocities	equil_out.vel
extendedSystem  equil_out.xsc
parameters	par_all27_prot_lipid.inp 
parameters	par-extraterms.inp 	
paraTypeCharmm	on

outputEnergies	10
outputTiming	100
xstFreq		100
dcdFreq		100
wrapAll		on
wrapNearest	on

timestep	1
nonBondedFreq	2
fullElectFrequency 4
stepsPerCycle	20

switching	on
switchDist	8.5
cutoff		10	
pairlistdist	11.5
# the z dimension is going to shrink so pad sufficiently
# the margin could be reduced once the cell is equilibrated
margin 2

Pme		on
PmeGridsizeX	32
PmeGridsizeY	32
PmeGridsizeZ	64	

exclude		scaled1-4
1-4scaling	1.0

# use lighter damping now that system is equilibrated
langevin		on
langevinDamping		1
langevinTemp		310
langevinHydrogen	no

# use lighter damping now that system is equilibrated
langevinPiston		on
langevinPistonTarget	1.01325
langevinPistonPeriod	200
langevinPistonDecay	500
langevinPistonTemp	310

useGroupPressure	yes	# smaller fluctuations
useFlexibleCell		yes	# allow dimensions to fluctuate independently
useConstantRatio	yes	# fix shape in x-y plane

binaryoutput	off
outputname	nptsim_out

firsttimestep	20000
run 20000

Submit the job using BioCoRE or "bsub < bptsim.job", the necessary files were either uploaded for or created by the previous run. The run should take about 30 minutes once it starts.
#BSUB -n 8
#BSUB -W 1:00
#BSUB -q workshop

mpirun -np $BSUB_NUMTHREADS /usr/local/apps/chemistry/namd/current/namd2 nptsim.namd > nptsim.log

When the job completes, you can download the trajectory file and inspect your results.
