Raghunathan, Devanathan; Gayen, Shovanlal; Kumar, Anil; Hunke, Cornelia; Grueber, Gerhard; Verma, Chandra S.
Subunit F modulates ATP binding and migration in the nucleotide-binding subunit B of the A(1)A(O) ATP synthase of Methanosarcina mazei Go1

The interaction of the nucleotide-binding subunit B with subunit F is essential in coupling of ion pumping and ATP synthesis in A(1)A(O) ATP synthases. Here we provide structural and thermodynamic insights on the nucleotide binding to the surface of subunits B and F of Methanosarcina mazei Go1 A(1)A(O) ATP synthase, which initiated migration to its final binding pocket via two transitional intermediates on the surface of subunit B. NMR- and fluorescence spectroscopy as well as ITC data combined with molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleotide bound subunit B and nucleotide bound B-F complex in explicit solvent, suggests that subunit F is critical for the migration to and eventual occupancy of the final binding site by the nucleotide of subunit B. Rotation of the C-terminus and conformational changes in subunit B are initiated upon binding with subunit F causing a perturbation that leads to the migration of ATP from the transition site 1 through an intermediate transition site 2 to the final binding site 3. This mechanism is elucidated on the basis of change in binding affinity for the nucleotide at the specific sites on subunit B upon complexation with subunit F. The change in enthalpy is further explained based on the fluctuating local environment around the binding sites.


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