Ozer, Gungor; Valeev, Edward F.; Quirk, Stephen; Hernandez, Rigoberto
Adaptive Steered Molecular Dynamics of the Long-Distance Unfolding of Neuropeptide Y

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has been found to adopt two stable conformations in vivo: (1) a monomeric form called the PP-fold in which a polyproline tail is folded onto an alpha-helix via a beta-turn and (2) a dimeric form of the unfolded proteins in which the alpha-helices interact with each other via side chains. The transition pathway and rates between the two conformations remain unknown and are important to the nature of the binding of the protein. Toward addressing this question, the present work suggests that the unfolding of the PP-fold is too slow to play a role in NPY monomeric binding unless the receptor catalyzes it to do so. Specifically, the dynamics and structural changes of the unfolding of a monomeric NPY protein have been investigated in this work. Temperature accelerated molecular dynamics (MD) simulations at 500 K under constant (N,V,E) conditions suggests a hinge-like unraveling of the tail rather than a random unfolding. The free energetics of the proposed unfolding pathway have been described using an adaptive steered MD (SMD) approach at various temperatures. This approach generalizes the use of Jarzynski's equality through a series of stages that allows for better convergence along nonlinear and long-distance pathways. Results acquired using this approach provide a potential of mean force (PM F) with narrower error bars and are consistent with some of the earlier reports on the qualitative behavior of NPY binding.


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