The BioCoRE project has produced the following publications,
presentations, and citations.
BioCoRE: A
Collaboratory for Structural Biology (abstract)
(226K), PDF
BioCoRE: A collaboratory for structural biology. Milind Bhandarkar,
Gila Budescu, William F. Humphrey, Jesus A. Izaguirre, Sergei
Izrailev, Laxmikant V. Kalé, Dorina Kosztin, Ferenc Molnar, James C.
Phillips, and Klaus Schulten. In Agostino G. Bruzzone, Adelinde
Uchrmacher, and Ernest H. Page, editors, Proceedings of the SCS
International Conference on Web-Based Modeling and Simulation, pages
242-251, San Francisco, California, 1999.
NCSA Seminar
Series via the Access Grid
NCRR Collaboratory meeting, 2002
International Conference
on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2002
Alliance All Hands Meeting, 2002
User Experience, NIH Site Visit 2002 (PDF, 447K)
Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, 2002
SuperComputing 2001
2001 College of
Engineering Open House Demo
NCRR Biomedical Collaboratory
Workshop (PSC)
HICS Conference Poster
Demonstration ( 73k)
Imaging Technology Group Forum
2000 College of Engineering Open House Demo
SuperComputing 99
Our Brochure ( 105k
BioCoRE has been used during these presentations:
NCSA NAMD Workshop 2002
PSC NAMD Workshop 2001
Perth, Australia 2000 - Web-based Job Submission tutorial
Heidelberg, Germany 2000 - Web-based Job Submission tutorial
Phillips, Markus Dittrich, and Klaus Schulten. Quasicontinuum
representations of atomic-scale mechanics: From proteins to
dislocations. Annual Review of Materials Research, 32:219-233, 2002.
article in the Chronicle of Higher Education
A writeup by a
reporter that saw us at SC99