Control Panel

BioCoRE Control Panel


Control Panel Summary Page The BioCoRE Control Panel is a small Java program that is designed to keep you, the BioCoRE user, informed of the latest occurrences in your BioCoRE projects and give you an easy way to communicate and to navigate.

The Control Panel will automatically notify you of project events (such as new message board messages, users logging in and out, etc) and can also be used to send chat messages back and forth among your project members. You can also jump directly to other BioCoRE applications from the Control Panel.


Control Panel menus work the same as any other application. The File menu contains options to edit preferences, clear tabs, and logout.
The project menu contains a list of shortcuts to the various BioCoRE applications. The options in the project menu won't be active unless you have selected a particular project's tab. Once you have done that, each option that you choose is specific to the project you are on, and there are options for:
  • Project Summary - Opens a webpage to summary page.
  • Workbench - Cascading menu option for workbench applications.
    • Job Submission - Opens a webpage for the main job management page.
    • Launch VMD - Opens webpage to the Java applet that can launch VMD on your local computer.
    • -VMD States - Opens a web page that lists the saved VMD states for the current project.
    • NAMD Configuration File Generator - Opens webpage to the Java applet that lets you easily prepare NAMD configuration files.
  • Notebook - Cascading menu option for notebook applications.
    • Message Board - Opens webpage to the message board, which contains threaded discussion, saved VMD states, BioLog entries, and archival Control Panel chats.
    • Lab Book - Opens a web page to the Lab Book, which lists users' entries of what they have been working on.
    • Biolog entries - Opens a web page to the Biolog entries page, which lists the outputs of command line commands that users have chosen to save.
    • Website Library - Opens webpage to website link library, which is a project-wide bookmark file.
    • Chat History - Opens a web page to the chat history, which lists all previous chats from the Control Panel.
  • Documents - Cascading menu option for document managment.
    • BioFs - Opens webpage into the BioFS shared filesystem.

  • Utilities - Opens webpage to the utilities/preferences screen. Some of the items on this page are project specific, and some aren't.
  • Public Projects - Opens a web page listing the public projects that any BioCoRE user can join.
  • Show - Let's you choose the type of information that you wish to see in this project's information window.
    • Chats - Chat messages sent from one user to another in the project.
    • User Login - Notifications when a user logs into BioCoRE. Defaults to off. This information only shows up in the All User Test Project.
    • User Control Panel Starts - Notification when other users actually start the Control Panel. This defaults to on, since it provides more useful information. This information shows up in the All User Test Project.
    • User Control Panel Closes - Notification when other users actually close the Control Panel. This defaults to on, since it provides more useful information. This information shows up in the All User Test Project.
    • User Logout - Notifications when a user logs into BioCoRE. Defaults to off. This information shows up in the All User Test Project.
    • Notebook Changes - Notification when users post new messages to the message board.
  • Show Timestamp - Normally, each statement in the information window is prefixed with a timestamp. These timestamps have been made as unobtrusive as possible, but if you wish to turn them off, you can do so by selecting this option.
  • User Information - Opens webpage to information about each of the users in the project. This option won't work on the All User Test Project due to security concerns.
The help menu contains documentation and informational links.
  • BioCoRE FAQ - Opens a web page to the BioCoRE Frequently Asked Questions list.
  • Documentation - Opens a webpage to this file.
  • Recent Updates - Opens a webpage to the list of recent server updates.
  • Debug Level - The Control Panel has built in debugging information that is available if needed. This can normally be left at "Off", but if needed it can be changed. "Low" provides the least additional information where "High" provides maximum debugging information. This value is reset to "Off" each time you start the Control Panel. You will need to have the java console open to see the messages.
  • About - Informational dialog about the Control Panel, including the current software version number.

Summary Tab

The summary tab gives you an "at a glance" summary of what is going on in your projects. The table lists all of the projects that you are involved in as well as current members logged in (note that there could be users logged in that do not have their Control Panel's open. This could cause a discrepancy between the number listed here and the quantity of names listed in the User List for a project) and the number of unread message board messages that exist in that project.

Clicking on the table headers ("Project", "Users Logged In", "Unread Messages")won't do anything. However, clicking within the table will do something. If you click on:

  • A project name - The Control Panel tab will switch to that project.
  • A number of users - A web page will be opened to the user information page for the project row that you clicked on. Note that, for security reasons, the user list for the All User Test Project can't be listed. So, if you click on the number for that project you will get a rejection screen.
  • A number of unread messages - A web page will be opened to the message board area in the BioCoRE notebook. The message index will be showing and the first unread message should be visible (Non-Control-Panel-Note: If you have limited the number of days of old messages to view for that project, the first unread message might not be visible. If this occurs you can change the limit on the number of days of old messages that you wish to view).
If you "click-n-drag" the vertical line in between the headers of two columns, such as the vertical line in between the words "Project" and "Users Logged In", you can change the width of each column. These new widths will be retained until you log out of the Control Panel.

Also, when an event occurs, the color of the box the project name is in will change color along with the corresponding tab. See Event Notification for more details.

Project Tabs

Each BioCoRE project in which you involved will have a project "tab" in the Control Panel. New users are only involved in one project, the "All User Test Project" (sometimes called the AUTP). As you become familiar with the BioCoRE environment you can create your own projects or you will be asked to join other BioCoRE projects by your collaborators. On each tab is the title of the project. Private projects are shown in black text, while public projects are shown in white text.

Event Notification

Project-specific events show up in the project tabs. If a user posts a new message board message, notification of that will show up here. The subject will be given and the text will be "clickable". Clicking on the text will open the message board message in a web browser. When users save new files to the BioFS, notification will show up here and the file will be loaded if you click on the notification text. Chat messages show up here (discussed below) and, for the All User Test Project, notification of users opening and closing Control Panels and logging in and out. When a user first logs into BioCoRE, the Control Panel automatically retrieves recent information from the server so that you know what has been happening recently.


The BioCoRE Control Panel is very useful for instant communication between you and your collaborators. At the bottom of the window there is a "Message" line. Text that you type in this box will be sent to everyone else's Control Panel that is in your project. They will be notified that you have sent a message and they can then read and respond to it.

If you type a URL into your message the URL will automatically become clickable as long as you enter it in the form Users who are not using Web Start probably won't be able to successfully click on typed links due to applet restrictions.

As you are chatting, you can recall previous messages that you have sent by pressing the up and down arrows on your keyboard. The last 50 messages for each project are automatically stored and can be used to quickly resend a message.

All of the text sent via the Control Panel is automatically logged for your convenience. You can go into the Message Board and select "Control Panel Chats' from the dropdown box in the upper left corner and review previous chats. The "search" feature of the Message Board is very handy for this.

Sometimes you might wish to make sure that a person sees a message. It might be of general interest to everyone in the project, but you want to make sure that a particular person is aware of it. You can send a 'directed' message to a user by prefixing your text with the user's name followed by a colon. For instance, if you wish to send the message "Be sure to look at that output" to the user jsmith you would type:

jsmith:Be sure to look at that output
This will cause a special sound to play for them, even if they are on that tab when the message arrives. (This assumes they have "sound" turned on. If they have sound turned off they will not be notified)

User List

The user list, on the right side of the window, lists the project users that currently have a Control Panel open (with the exception of the All User Test Project. Users aren't listed in that project for security reasons). This gives you a quick way to determine exactly who is available for chatting and who isn't and also provides the "private" chat functionality. If you wish to send a private chat to a single user in the project, you can do so by click on their username in the user list. A box will pop up, and you can type your private message. No one in the project except the person you are sending to will see the message. This feature isn't intended to be used on a regular basis. The concept of BioCoRE is that project information should be available to all of the project members, but private chatting is a capability that does come in handy from time to time.

Slash Command Reference

A set of commands exist that can be used in the chat windows. All of these commands start with a forward slash, and we have tried to make them follow the standard IRC methodology as much as possible.


There is a fair amount of customization that can be done for the Control Panel. You can set these customization options by selecting "Preferences" under the "File" menu. This will open a webpage to the customization section. (You can also get here by selecting "Utilities" in the left sidebar of any webpage and going to the general Control Panel preferences.

There are three preferences pages that deal with the Control Panel. These three pages are selectable from the row of links near the top of any preferences page:

  • General Preferences:
    • Using Java Web Start: - You can have the Control Panel automatically start using Java Web Start if you wish. (See the installation section for more information). If you wish, you can also set yourself up to not have a Control Panel start by default, but we highly discourage this setting as you lose many nice features.
    • Control Panel Size: - This lets you set the size of the Control Panel window. If you are running the Control Panel as an applet, this is a big concern. As an applet, you can't resize the Control Panel by simply grabbing a corner with the mouse and moving it. That doesn't work, due to browser problems. So, you can set the size, in pixels, of the Control Panel window. If you are using Web Start, you still might want to "tweak" these settings, because this sets the initial size of the BioCoRE window.

      You can also change the font size for the text that shows up in the project tab window.

    • Sound: - The Control Panel will try to notify you when events occur. This notification can occur via the tabs changing colors, and by sound (see Notification, below). If you don't want any sound playing, make sure this is disabled. If you do want sound playing, enable this checkbox. We recommend sound, because it lets BioCoRE be used as intended: You can leave it running down in the corner of your screen and "forget about it". It will notify you when something happens.
    • Message of the day - The Control Panel has a "Message of the day" feature. This feature pops up a box when you first log in giving you a useful tip for using BioCoRE, or giving a list of what has recently changed in BioCoRE. We suggest leaving this option enabled so that you can learn about features that you might not have been aware of, and can be kept informed of important updates to BioCoRE.
    • Tabs - You can choose which "side" of the Control Panel that you want the tabs to appear on. For instance, if you want the tabs running down the left side of the window, you can choose "Left". I normally leave the Control Panel down at the bottom of my desktop, so I have the tabs set to "Bottom". That way, I can have other windows covering up most of the Control Panel, but I can still see the tabs to see if they have changed colors.
  • Control Panel color: You can customize each project's window in the Control Panel if you wish to do so. Some people do this so that they can subconsciously tell their project tabs apart ("Green is All User, Yellow is XXX, Purple is YYY, etc"). Changes on this page only affect the project listed, so other project tabs will stay the way they were.

    You can also have BioCoRE automatically change your colors in the webpages for this project to match so that you are "color coordinated".

  • Notification: Control Panel notification is a very powerful, yet slightly complex system. Notification normally occurs when an event happens in a project that you are not currently looking at. For instance, if you are looking at the summary tab, and someone says something in the All User Test Project, notification would occur for the All User Test Project. However, if you are looking at the All User Test Project when someone says something there, you will not be notified (** - Note: IF you directly send a message to someone using the username: method that notification will occur even if on the same screen)

    You can choose special notification for most any event in BioCoRE. Notification is defined as: the color of the project tab changing, and a sound playing. So, you could chose a unique color and/or sound for, as examples:

    1. User A sending a chat message in project 1.
    2. User B posting a message board message (in any project).
    3. Anyone logging in or out.
    4. Anyone posting a chat message.
    In case 4, User A's notification (case 1) would apply if User A did something; otherwise case 4) would apply.

    To set these options you choose the situation you want notification for, and select the color and the sound to play. IF you are using Java Web Start, you can choose sound files that you have on our own web site. If you are using the applet, browser permissions won't allow that.

    The list of current notification preferences is given at the bottom of the page and you can delete certain preferences by selecting their checkboxes and submitting the page.

Changing the browser that the Control Panel uses to open links

If you are running the Control Panel as a java applet from your web browser, the Control Panel will automatically use that web browser to open links.

If you are running the Control Panel using Java Web Start you have more control. If you are on Windows, the Control Panel will use whatever the default browser is that you have set for your system. If you wish to change this, your preferred browser should have an option somewhere to make it the Windows default.

If you are running using Web Start on a unix system, you need to tell Java Web Start your preferred settings. You need to find the javaws program that was installed when you installed Java Web Start. This will launch the Web Start control panel/console. From the File | Preferences menu you can set the path to the web browser that you choose to use. After doing this, you should be able to restart your Control Panel and be in good shape.

We have noticed a few strange quirks with Java 1.4.2 Web Start. For some reason, the Web Start control panel/console doesn't seem to want to start. If this is happening to you, you can manually edit the configuration file. It is in ~/.java/.deployment/ and will need to have a line that looks like:



For maximum convenience while using BioCoRE, we suggest that you do a little bit of installation.

This installation is discussed at:

If you happen to be on a system where you can't follow the instructions above, BioCoRE will attempt to install a temporary version of Swing for you (only works if you have a browser that supports Java, but not Swing). When you first log into BioCoRE you will be asked to download the Swing package (close to 2 megabytes) and this will be used while you are logged into BioCoRE. Each time you log into BioCoRE this will be repeated.

Error Messages

Could not show the document.  
Do you have web start set up properly?
(See Help | Documentation)
This message can appear in a popup window when the Control Panel tries (and fails) to load a browser window to show a webpage. The Control Panel opens a web browser when you click on a cell in the summary table, choose items from the menu, or when you click on a link in the chatting windows.

This error means that the Control Panel tried to open a browser window, but Java Web Start had problems. This is usually because Web Start has incorrect path information for your browser. Run the Java Web Start configuration program on your computer and look in the Preferences for browser setup and make sure that the values look correct.

Going nonsecure.  Couldn't connect secure.  This can happen for one of
two reasons:
1) If you are not using Java 1.4+, do you have JSSE installed? (The
above error will probably be something about
2) The BioCoRE server you are connecting to might not have a true
secure certificate installed. (The above error will probably be
something about an untrusted cert chain, couldn't find trusted cert, or
a Failed Connect Test)
This message can appear in a the java console if the Control Panel has problems talking to the server securely. In the first reason, the problem is probably on your end. In the second, the problem is probably with the BioCoRE server that you are connecting to.


If you've made it to this point in the manual you know all that you need to know to use the Control Panel effectively. However, this section will give a little more information on what is going on behind the scenes.

All communication between the BioCoRE server and the Control Panel is encrypted. If you use Java Web Start, you will notice a little box that appears during startup that says "Creating Secure Connection". During this time, Java is initializing random numbers and doing other low-level functions that insure that it can create secure connections. The time duration of this box depends on the speed of your computer, but 10 or so seconds is about average.

If the BioCoRE webserver is not using a properly signed secure server certificate, the Control Panel won't be able to talk securely to the server, and it will fall back to using standard HTTP connections.

The Control Panel tries to create a socket connection to the server so that the server can notify the Control Panel the instant that events occur. If the Control Panel is not able to create this connection, it will fall back to checking with the webserver on a regular basis via standard HTTP to see if any new events have occurred.


The BioCoRE team welcomes any comments, questions, or suggestions that you might have concerning our software! Please email us or fill out our feedback form.