Much research in the Schulten group involves collaborations with experimental laboratories. In fact, Schulten has initiated significant experimental research in the detection of biological transport through photobleaching [39], spin chemistry methods and chemical magnetic field effects [40], MRI microscopy [41], and protein structure analysis [42]. During the past seven years, Schulten has completed ten different modeling projects that directly complemented experiments by collaborators and were published jointly. These covered the map formation in the visual cortex [2], MRI microscopy [43], the morphogenesis of the lateral geniculate nucleus [44], analysis of an artificial membrane [45], solution of the structure of a protein by a combination of crystallography and modeling [42], a model of the structure of a high density lipoprotein [12], the prediction of the structure of a novel DNA-protein complex [10] that has been largely proven correct by the recent crystallographic solution, the analysis of hydration around a novel water mimicking DNA analogue before its eventual use in experiments [46], the interpretation of crystallographic structures of the bc1 complex as arising from a rotation of its iron-sulphur protein domain [8], and the prediction of low force stretching in the muscle protein titin that guided atomic force microscopy and mutation experiments [47].