* Retinal Extraction from bR (Steered Molecular Dynamics)
* Status: Completed
* Co-authors: S. Izrailev, K. Schulten
* Forced Extension of mechanical proteins, titin immunoglobulin-like and fibronectin domains (Steered Molecular Dynamics)
* Status: Completed
* Co-authors: H. Lu, M. Gao, A. Krammer, D. Craig, V. Vogel, K. Schulten
* Simulated rotation of ATP Synthase F1 Central Stalk (Steered Molecular Dynamics)
* Status: simulations completed
* Co-authors: E. Tajkhorshid, C. Kanchanawarin , K. Schulten
* Sequence-Structure Tools for Molecular Modeling (VMD Development)
* Status: initial tools released with VMD, improvements and other tools in progress
* Co-workers: J. Gullingsrud, J. Stone, Z. Luthey-Schulten, K. Schulten