
2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000

Below are articles and press releases written about TCBG research and development accomplishments that have appeared in popular press and web sites (for our conventional journal publications, please click here).

Meisel, H. (November 15, 2011). Cray Inc.: the new vendor for University supercomputing project. Daily

Staff. (November 3, 2011). Welding art and science. DePauw University News. [PDF]

Peterson, D. (September, 2011). Blood Works. [PDF]

Lee, T. (July 21, 2011). NVIDIA Tesla Success Stories. VR-Zone Technology Beats.

Staff. (July 6, 2011). One Small Step for DNA Sequencing [PDF]

Bates, D. (June 23, 2011). Humans really DO have a sixth sense... that lets us detect magnetic fields (and we're not aware we have it). MailOnline. [PDF]

Young, E. (June 21, 2011). Humans have a magnetic sensor in our eyes, but can we detect magnetic fields? Discover Magazine. [PDF]

Kein, B. (June 21, 2011). Humans could have geomagnetic sight. Wired Science. [PDF]

Wilkins, A. (June 21, 2011). Our eyes are theoretically capable of sensing magnetic fields. io9. [PDF]

Jabr, F. (June 21, 2011). We have the right stuff to sense magnetic fields. New Scientist. [PDF]

Staff. (June 21, 2011). Art & Science Team Up for BJ Cover Artist Klaus Schulten. [PDF]

Staff. (June 16, 2011). Microway GPU computing solutions named best new technology at life sciences summit. HPCWire.

Staff. (May 31, 2011). Toward an in silico Cell. The New York Academy of Sciences Academy eBriefings. [PDF]

Yates, D. (May 31, 2011). Team solves decades-old molecular mystery linked to blood clotting. University of Illinois News Bureau. [PDF] [PDF]

Staff. (May 18, 2011). NCSA installing 153 teraflop supercomputer. NCSA News.

  • Staff. (May 19, 2011). NCSA Set to 'Forge' 153 Teraflop Supercomputer. HPCWire.

Staff. (May 17, 2011). New NVIDIA Tesla GPU smashes world record in scientific computation. NVIDIA Newsroom. [PDF]

Dublin, M. (May 9, 2011). Supercomputers aid nanopore sequencing design. GenomeWeb.

Salazar, J. (May 4, 2011). Aleksei Aksimentiev makes medicine personal with supercomputers. EarthSky. [PDF]

Yates, D. (April 18, 2011). Researchers get a first look at the mechanics of membrane proteins. UIUC News Bureau. [PDF]

Young, J. R. (April 3, 2011). In University Supercomputing, the Fastest May No Longer Be the Best. The Chronicle of Higher Education. [PDF]

Kerns, C. (February 24, 2011). Whole-genome sequencing simulated on supercomputers. Scientists work to make personalized genomics affordable and quick for patients. Oak Ridge National Laboratory News Release. [PDF]

Humber, A. (February 10, 2011). GPU-powered science and innovation drive GPU Technology Conference 2011. Conference to feature high-performance computing symposium co-hosted by Los Alamos National Lab and NVIDIA. Marketwire. [PDF]

Brueckner, R. (February 2, 2011). Coders tool up for 10 petaflop Blue Waters supercomputer. The Register. [PDF]

Bates, D. (January 28, 2011). Birds use quantum theory to literally 'see' Earth's magnetic field as they fly. MailOnline. [PDF]

Grossman, L. (January 27, 2011). In the blink of birdís eye, a model for quantum navigation. Wired Science. [PDF]

2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000