( 211K )
A coarse grained protein-lipid model with application to high-density lipoprotein particles

( 198K )
Molecular basis of gating in aquaporin water channels

( 224K )
Dynamics of the Translocon SecY Investigated Through

( 199K )
Channel Mediated Gas Transport Across Lipid Membranes

( 198K )
Tertiary and Secondary Structure Elasticity of Ankyrin Repeats

( 246K )
The Mechanical Stability of the Titin Z1Z2-Telethonin Complex as Revealed by Steered Molecular Dynamics

( 159K )
A Computational Study of ATP Hydrolysis and Force Generation in PcrA Helicase

( 169K )
Simulated forced closure of an F1-ATPase subunit leads to rotation of the central stalk

( 194K )
Structure-Based Model of a Stepping Motor on ssDNA: PcrA Helicase

( 234K )
Gas Migration Pathways Inside Proteins: Application to CpI hydrogenase

( 155K )
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Voltage-Gated K+ Channel

( 220K )
Silica parametrization based on structural surface properties and wetting behavior for silica nanopore simulation

( 240K )
The mechanism of sugar transport across E. coli lactose permease

( 224K )
Oxygen pathways in myoglobin

( 232K )
Coupling of proton translocation and protein conformational change in E. coli lactose permease

( 258K )
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Complete Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus

( 202K )
Exploring the Electro-Mechanical Properties of Single DNA Molecules with a Synthetic Nanopore

( 198K )
Conformational Geometries of Holliday Junction in Conformer Transition

Poster Gallery 2003

Poster Gallery 2004

Poster Gallery 2005