7 May 2014

A new movie (see below) depicting photosynthetic processes in purple bacteria has been produced by members of TCBG, and was presented by TCBG Director Klaus Schulten as part of his keynote lecture for the Frontiers in Membrane Protein Structural Dynamics 2014 meeting on May 7-9, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. Specifically, the movie depicts the chromatophore, a cellular organelle found in purple bacteria, which enables bacteria to absorb sunlight and turn it into chemical fuel for cellular processes. Previous movies only depicted parts of the chromatophore; the new movie presents the chromatophore as a whole. More details on the movie and keynote lecture can be found in an interview (which contains a transcript as well) with Schulten at the meeting website.

Photosynthesis Movie

The Photosynthetic Membrane of Purple Bacteria: A Clockwork of Proteins and Processes from TCBG on Vimeo.