Lectures and Talks

2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000

Below are lectures, talks, and other presentations given by TCB faculty and other group members in meetings and conferences locally and around the world.

Lectures & Talks 2004

Klaus Schulten     Emad Tajkhorshid     Zaida Luthey-Schulten    Alek Aksimentiev    Other TCB Members

Klaus Schulten

  • January 2006, Osaka, Japan, Symposium on Dynamics of Biological Systems
    Lecture: "Large Scale Biomolecular Simulation of Cellular Processes"
  • March 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Biophysics Recruiting Weekend
    Lecture: "Modelling Cellular Processes"

  • March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Colloquium
    Lecture: "Towards Understanding Membrane Channels"
  • March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics
    Lecture: "Introduction to Protein Structure"
    Lecture: "Statistical Mechanics of Proteins"  

  • April 2006, Cambridge, MA, Harvard-MIT Seminar
    Lecture: "Towards Understanding Membrane Channels"
  • May 2006, Norman, OK, University of Oklahoma, Linux Clusters Institute
    Lecture: "Cluster Computing in Everyday Biomedical Research:  Past, Present, and Future"
  • May 2006, Philadelphia, PA, University of Pennsylvania, Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
    Lecture: "The Role of Molecular Modeling in Bionanotechnology"
  • May 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, University of California, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, New Physical Approaches to Molecular and Cellular Machines
    Lecture: "Proteins with Mechanical Functions"
  • May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies
    Lecture: "Recent Conceptual and Methodological Developments in Biomolecular Modeling"
  • May 2006, Mainz, Germany, Mainz University
    Lecture: "Recent Conceptual and Methodological Developments in Biomolecular Modeling"
  • May 2006, Mainz, Germany, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Science
    Lecture: "In Situ Modeling of Biological and Artificial Channels"
  • May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, University of Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank Lectureship
    Lecture: "Inate and Living Matter – Biological Physics in Search of the Secret of Life"
  • May 2006, Vienna, Austria, University of Vienna, Evolution of Biomolecular Structure / symposium dedicated to Professor Peter Schuster
    Lecture: "What is Life? An Answer Sought from Photosynthetic Bacteria”
  • May 2006, St. Louis, MO, Washington University, Institute for Complex and Adaptive Matter Workshop / Multiscale Interactions and Dynamics in Biological Systems
    Lecture: "Multiscale Simulation of Protein-DNA and Protein-Lipid"
  • June 2006, New London, NH, Gordon Conference On Single Molecule Approaches to Biology
    Lecture: "Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Mechanics"
  • July 2006, Munich, Germany, Euroscience Open Forum 2006
    Lecture: "Clustering of Function in Biological Cells"

  • August 2006, Arlington, VA, National Science Foundation, Workshop on Petascale Computing in the Biological Sciences
    Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Three Projects Starting Today"

  • September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
    Lecture: "Viruses - Seeing the Enemy up Close"

  • October 2006, Munich, Germany, Center for Nanoscience, Ludwig Maximilian University
    Lecture: "The Role of Molecular Modeling in Bionanotechnology"

  • October 2006, Munich, Germany, Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
    Lecture: "Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Mechanics"

  • October 2006, Martinsried, Germany, Max Planck - Institute for Biochemistry
    Lecture: "Structure and Function of Chromatophores of Photosynthetic Bacteria"

  • October 2006, Regensburg, Germany, University of Regensberg, Center for Sensory Photoreceptors
    Lecture: "Biochemical Mechanisms for Magnetic Orientation in Animals"

  • October 2006, Munich, Germany, Department of Physics, Ludwigs-Maximilian-University, Arnold Sommerfeld Lecture
    Lecture: "In Silico Single Molecule Experiments"

  • November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
    Lecture: "Introduction to Protein Structure and Dynamics"
    Lecture: "Parameters for Classical Force Fields"

  • November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics Colloquium
    Lecture: "From the Atom to the Cell - The Multi-scale Nature of Living"

  • November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Saturday Physics Honor Program
    Lecture: "Physics of the Body"

  • November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Physics Colloquium
    Lecture: "Physics - Grasping the Multi-scale Nature of Biological Cells"

  • November 2006, Bochum, Germany, Bochum University Conference Center
    Lecture: "PcrA Helicase, a Molecular Motor studied from the Electronic to the Functional Level"

  • December 2006, Atlanta, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology Seminar
    Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Simulating Entire Life Forms"

  • December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
    Lecture: "Overview and Computational Microscopy Mission"
    Lecture: "Training on Computational Biophysics and Summary"

  • December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Beckman Director's Seminar Series
    Lecture: "Turning Advanced Science into Advanced Teaching"
  • December 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
    Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Simulating Entire Life Forms"

Emad Tajkhorshid

  • February 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical  Society
    Lecture: "Coupling of Proton Translocation and Protein Conformational Changes  in Lactose Permease"
  • February 2006, Boston, MA, Brandeis University
    Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
  • February 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
    Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
  • March 2006, Gomadingen, Germany, German Biophysical Society, International  Workshop on "Dynamics of Membranes"
    Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at  Full Atomic Resolution"
  • March 2006, West Lafayette, IN, Purdue University
    Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at  Full Atomic Resolution"
  • March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
    Lecture: "Unraveling molecular mechanisms of permeation, selectivity, and  gating of membrane channels at full atomic resolution"
  • September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
    Lecture: "Molecular Water Channels Keep You Healthy"

  • November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
    Lecture: "Parameters for Classical Force Fields"
    Lecture: "Simulating Membrane Channels"

  • December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
    Lecture: "Computational Microscopy of Biological Water Channels"

Zaida Luthey-Schulten

  • March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics
    Lecture: "Introduction to Bioinformatics"

  • September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
    Lecture: "Scientific Basis of Biological Evolution"

  • November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
    Lecture: "Introduction to Bioinformatics"

Alek Aksimentiev

  • February 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, Biophysical Society 50th Annual Meeting
    Lecture: "Computing the Cconductance of a Membrane Channel from All-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
    Poster: "Silica Parameterization based on Structural Surface Properties and Wetting Behavior for Silica Nanopore Simulation"
    Poster: "Exploring the Electro-Mechanical Properties of Single DNA Molecules with a Synthetic Nanopore"
  • March 2006, Baltimore, MD, American Physical Society Meeting
    Lecture: "Microscopic Kinetics of DNA Translocation through Synthetic and Biological Nanopores"
  • March 2006, Ventura, CA, Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions
    Lecture: "Animating Atomic-detail Structures of Ion-motive ATPases with Molecular Dynamics"
  • May 2006, Urbana, IL, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology
    Lecture: "Atomic Resolution Imaging of Nanodevices with Large Scale Molecular Dynamics"
  • September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
    Lecture: "Tomorrow's DNA Sequencing"
  • September 2006, Aussois, France, Gordon Research Conference on Bioelectrochemistry
    Lecture: "Imaging DNA Translocation through Nanopores with Molecular Dynamics"
  • September 2006, Liege, Belgium, Third Focused Workshop on Electronic Recognition of Bio-molecules
    Lecture: "Forcing Biomolecules through Synthetic and Biological Nanopores"
  • October 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Nanohour Lecture Series
    Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"

  • October 2006, Fayetteville, AR, University of Arkansas, Department of Physics, Colloquium
    Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"

  • November 2006, Talca, Chile, University of Talca, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
    Lecture: "Introduction to Biomolecular Modeling with VMD and NAMD"
    Lecture: "All-atom Modeling of Membrane Proteins"
    Lecture: "Advanced Topics: Custom Forces and Bionanotechnology"
  • November 2006, Talca, Chile, University of Talca, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular
    Lecture: "Present and Future of Biomolecular Simulations"
  • November 2006, Urbana, IL, Department of Physics, Condensed Matter Seminar
    Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"
  • December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
    Lecture: "Computational Microscopy of Synthetic Nanopores for DNA Sequencing"

Other TCB members (includes meetings attended and poster sessions)

  • February, 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, Biophysical Society 50th Annual Meeting
    Poster: "A Coarsed Grained Protein-lipid Model with Application to High-density Lipoprotein Particles" (Amy Y. Shih, Anton Arkhipov, Peter L. Freddolino)
    Poster: "Molecular Basis of Gating in Aquaporin Water Channels" (Yi Wang)
    Poster: "Dynamics of the Translocon SecY Investigated through MD" (James Gumbart)
    Poster: "Channel Mediated Gas Transport Across Lipid Membranes" (Yi Wang)
    Poster: "Tertiary and Secondary Structure Elasticity of Ankyrin Repeats" (Marcos Sotomayor)
    Poster: "The Mechanical Stability of the Titin Z1Z2-Telethonin Complex as Revealed by Steered Molecular Dynamics" (Eric H. Lee, Mu Gao)
    Poster: "A Computational Study of ATP Hydrolysis and Force Generation in PcrA Helicase" (Markus Dittrich)
    Poster: "Simulated Forced Closure of an F1-ATPase Subunit Leads to Rotation of the Central Stalk" (Barry Isralewitz)
    Poster: "Structure-Based Model of a Stepping Motor on ssDNA: PcrA Helicase" (Jin Yu)
    Poster: "Gas Migration Pathways Inside Proteins: Application to CpI hydrogenase" (Jordi Cohen)
    Poster: "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Voltage-Gated K+ Channel" (Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi)
    Poster: "Silica Parameterization Based on Structural Surface Properties and Wetting Behavior for Silica Nanopore Simulation" (Eduardo Cruz-Chu)
    Poster: "Coupling of Proton Translocation and Protein Conformational Change in E. coli Lactose Permease" (Ying Yin)
    Poster: "Oxygen Pathways in Myoglobin" (Anton Arkhipov, Jordi Cohen, Rosemary Braun)
    Poster: "The Mechanism of Sugar Transport Across E. coli Lactose Permease" (Ying Yin)
    Poster: "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Complete Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus" (Peter L. Freddolino, Anton S. Arkhipov)
    Poster: "Conformational Geometries of Holliday Junction in Conformer Transition" (Jin Yu)
  • March 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Stiles Group Lab
    Lecture: "Insights into the Mechanism of Molecular Motors" (Markus Dittrich)
  • March 2006, Albuquerque, NM, Sandia National Labs
    Lecture: "Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Simulations of Biomolecular Systems"  (Markus Dittrich)
  • April 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute,  TCBG Cluster Building Workshop
    Lecture: "Linux Clusters for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
    Lecture: "Linux Clusters: Details and Case Studies" (Jim Phillips, Tim Skirvin" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
  • November-December 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute,  TCBG Cluster Building Workshop
    Lecture: "Linux Clusters for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
    Lecture: "Linux Clusters: Details and Case Studies" (Jim Phillips, Tim Skirvin" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
  • December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
    Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Photosynthetic Hydrogen Gas Production" (Jordi Cohen)
    Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Fighting Cardiovascular Diseases" (Amy Shih)
    Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Fighting Viral Infections" (Peter Freddolino)


2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000