Lectures and Talks
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000
Below are lectures, talks, and other presentations given by TCB faculty and other group members in meetings and conferences locally and around the world.
Klaus Schulten Emad Tajkhorshid Zaida Luthey-Schulten Alek Aksimentiev Other TCB Members
- January 2006, Osaka, Japan, Symposium on Dynamics of Biological Systems
Lecture: "Large Scale Biomolecular Simulation of Cellular Processes"
- March 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Biophysics Recruiting Weekend
Lecture: "Modelling Cellular Processes" - March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics,
Lecture: "Towards Understanding Membrane Channels"
March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics
Lecture: "Introduction to Protein Structure"
Lecture: "Statistical Mechanics of Proteins"
- April 2006, Cambridge, MA, Harvard-MIT Seminar
Lecture: "Towards Understanding Membrane Channels"
- May 2006, Norman, OK,
University of Oklahoma, Linux Clusters Institute
Lecture: "Cluster Computing in Everyday Biomedical Research: Past, Present, and Future"
- May 2006, Philadelphia, PA,
University of Pennsylvania, Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
Lecture: "The Role of Molecular Modeling in Bionanotechnology"
- May 2006, Santa Barbara,
CA, University of California, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, New
Physical Approaches to Molecular and Cellular Machines
Lecture: "Proteins with Mechanical Functions"
- May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany,
University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies
Lecture: "Recent Conceptual and Methodological Developments in Biomolecular Modeling"
- May 2006, Mainz, Germany, Mainz
Lecture: "Recent Conceptual and Methodological Developments in Biomolecular Modeling"
- May 2006, Mainz, Germany, Max
Planck Institute for Polymer Science
Lecture: "In Situ Modeling of Biological and Artificial Channels"
- May 2006, Frankfurt, Germany,
University of Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank Lectureship
Lecture: "Inate and Living Matter – Biological Physics in Search of the Secret of Life"
- May 2006, Vienna, Austria,
University of Vienna, Evolution of Biomolecular Structure / symposium
dedicated to Professor Peter Schuster
Lecture: "What is Life? An Answer Sought from Photosynthetic Bacteria”
- May 2006, St. Louis, MO, Washington University, Institute for Complex
and Adaptive Matter
Workshop / Multiscale Interactions and Dynamics in Biological Systems
Lecture: "Multiscale Simulation of Protein-DNA and Protein-Lipid"
- June 2006, New London, NH, Gordon Conference On Single Molecule Approaches to Biology
Lecture: "Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Mechanics"
- July 2006, Munich, Germany, Euroscience Open Forum 2006
Lecture: "Clustering of Function in Biological Cells" - August 2006, Arlington, VA, National Science Foundation, Workshop on Petascale Computing in the Biological Sciences
Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Three Projects Starting Today" - September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
Lecture: "Viruses - Seeing the Enemy up Close" - October 2006, Munich, Germany, Center for Nanoscience, Ludwig Maximilian University
Lecture: "The Role of Molecular Modeling in Bionanotechnology" - October 2006, Munich, Germany, Department of Physics, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Lecture: "Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Mechanics" - October 2006, Martinsried, Germany, Max Planck - Institute for Biochemistry
Lecture: "Structure and Function of Chromatophores of Photosynthetic Bacteria" - October 2006, Regensburg, Germany, University of Regensberg, Center for Sensory Photoreceptors
Lecture: "Biochemical Mechanisms for Magnetic Orientation in Animals" - October 2006, Munich, Germany, Department of Physics, Ludwigs-Maximilian-University, Arnold Sommerfeld Lecture
Lecture: "In Silico Single Molecule Experiments" - November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
Lecture: "Introduction to Protein Structure and Dynamics"
Lecture: "Parameters for Classical Force Fields" - November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Physics Colloquium
Lecture: "From the Atom to the Cell - The Multi-scale Nature of Living" - November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Saturday Physics Honor Program
Lecture: "Physics of the Body" - November 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics, Physics Colloquium
Lecture: "Physics - Grasping the Multi-scale Nature of Biological Cells" - November 2006, Bochum, Germany, Bochum University Conference Center
Lecture: "PcrA Helicase, a Molecular Motor studied from the Electronic to the Functional Level" - December 2006, Atlanta, GA, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biology Seminar
Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Simulating Entire Life Forms" - December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
Lecture: "Overview and Computational Microscopy Mission"
Lecture: "Training on Computational Biophysics and Summary" - December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Beckman Director's Seminar Series
Lecture: "Turning Advanced Science into Advanced Teaching"
- December 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Lecture: "Petascale Computing in the Biosciences - Simulating Entire Life Forms"
- February 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, 50th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
Lecture: "Coupling of Proton Translocation and Protein Conformational Changes in Lactose Permease"
- February 2006, Boston, MA, Brandeis University
Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
- February 2006, Urbana, IL, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
- March 2006, Gomadingen, Germany, German Biophysical Society, International Workshop on
"Dynamics of Membranes"
Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
- March 2006, West Lafayette, IN, Purdue University
Lecture: "Visualizing the Art of Selective Transport in Membrane Channels at Full Atomic Resolution"
- March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Lecture: "Unraveling molecular mechanisms of permeation, selectivity, and gating of membrane channels at full atomic resolution"
- September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
Lecture: "Molecular Water Channels Keep You Healthy" - November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
Lecture: "Parameters for Classical Force Fields"
Lecture: "Simulating Membrane Channels" - December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy of Biological Water Channels"
- March 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics
Lecture: "Introduction to Bioinformatics" - September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
Lecture: "Scientific Basis of Biological Evolution" - November 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Structural Biology, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
Lecture: "Introduction to Bioinformatics"
- February 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, Biophysical Society 50th Annual Meeting
Lecture: "Computing the Cconductance of a Membrane Channel from All-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
Poster: "Silica Parameterization based on Structural Surface Properties and Wetting Behavior for Silica Nanopore Simulation"
Poster: "Exploring the Electro-Mechanical Properties of Single DNA Molecules with a Synthetic Nanopore"
- March 2006, Baltimore, MD, American Physical Society Meeting
Lecture: "Microscopic Kinetics of DNA Translocation through Synthetic and Biological Nanopores"
- March 2006, Ventura, CA, Gordon Research Conference on Protons and
Membrane Reactions
Lecture: "Animating Atomic-detail Structures of Ion-motive ATPases with Molecular Dynamics"
- May 2006, Urbana, IL, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology
Lecture: "Atomic Resolution Imaging of Nanodevices with Large Scale Molecular Dynamics"
- September 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, 71st Annual Meeting of the U of I Foundation, Mini-symposium on "Computational Medicine"
Lecture: "Tomorrow's DNA Sequencing"
- September 2006, Aussois, France, Gordon Research Conference on
Lecture: "Imaging DNA Translocation through Nanopores with Molecular Dynamics"
- September 2006, Liege, Belgium, Third Focused Workshop on
Electronic Recognition of Bio-molecules
Lecture: "Forcing Biomolecules through Synthetic and Biological Nanopores"
- October 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Nanohour Lecture Series
Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"
- October 2006, Fayetteville, AR, University of Arkansas, Department of
Physics, Colloquium
Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"
- November 2006, Talca, Chile, University of Talca, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular, Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biology
Lecture: "Introduction to Biomolecular Modeling with VMD and NAMD"
Lecture: "All-atom Modeling of Membrane Proteins"
Lecture: "Advanced Topics: Custom Forces and Bionanotechnology"
- November 2006, Talca, Chile, University of Talca, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación
Lecture: "Present and Future of Biomolecular Simulations"
- November 2006, Urbana, IL, Department of Physics,
Condensed Matter Seminar
Lecture: "Toward Sequencing DNA with a Synthetic Nanopore"
- December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy of Synthetic Nanopores for DNA Sequencing"
Other TCB members (includes meetings attended and poster sessions)
- February, 2006, Salt Lake City, UT, Biophysical Society 50th Annual
Poster: "A Coarsed Grained Protein-lipid Model with Application to High-density Lipoprotein Particles" (Amy Y. Shih, Anton Arkhipov, Peter L. Freddolino)
Poster: "Molecular Basis of Gating in Aquaporin Water Channels" (Yi Wang)
Poster: "Dynamics of the Translocon SecY Investigated through MD" (James Gumbart)
Poster: "Channel Mediated Gas Transport Across Lipid Membranes" (Yi Wang)
Poster: "Tertiary and Secondary Structure Elasticity of Ankyrin Repeats" (Marcos Sotomayor)
Poster: "The Mechanical Stability of the Titin Z1Z2-Telethonin Complex as Revealed by Steered Molecular Dynamics" (Eric H. Lee, Mu Gao)
Poster: "A Computational Study of ATP Hydrolysis and Force Generation in PcrA Helicase" (Markus Dittrich)
Poster: "Simulated Forced Closure of an F1-ATPase Subunit Leads to Rotation of the Central Stalk" (Barry Isralewitz)
Poster: "Structure-Based Model of a Stepping Motor on ssDNA: PcrA Helicase" (Jin Yu)
Poster: "Gas Migration Pathways Inside Proteins: Application to CpI hydrogenase" (Jordi Cohen)
Poster: "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Voltage-Gated K+ Channel" (Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi)
Poster: "Silica Parameterization Based on Structural Surface Properties and Wetting Behavior for Silica Nanopore Simulation" (Eduardo Cruz-Chu)
Poster: "Coupling of Proton Translocation and Protein Conformational Change in E. coli Lactose Permease" (Ying Yin)
Poster: "Oxygen Pathways in Myoglobin" (Anton Arkhipov, Jordi Cohen, Rosemary Braun)
Poster: "The Mechanism of Sugar Transport Across E. coli Lactose Permease" (Ying Yin)
Poster: "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Complete Satellite Tobacco Mosaic Virus" (Peter L. Freddolino, Anton S. Arkhipov)
Poster: "Conformational Geometries of Holliday Junction in Conformer Transition" (Jin Yu)
- March 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Stiles Group Lab
Lecture: "Insights into the Mechanism of Molecular Motors" (Markus Dittrich)
- March 2006, Albuquerque, NM, Sandia National Labs
Lecture: "Quantum Mechanical/Molecular Mechanical Simulations of Biomolecular Systems" (Markus Dittrich)
- April 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, TCBG Cluster Building
Lecture: "Linux Clusters for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
Lecture: "Linux Clusters: Details and Case Studies" (Jim Phillips, Tim Skirvin" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
- November-December 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, TCBG
Cluster Building Workshop
Lecture: "Linux Clusters for High-Performance Computing: An Introduction" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
Lecture: "Linux Clusters: Details and Case Studies" (Jim Phillips, Tim Skirvin" (Tim Skirvin, Jim Phillips)
- December, 2006, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute, Presentation to UIUC Provost Linda Katehi
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Photosynthetic Hydrogen Gas Production" (Jordi Cohen)
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Fighting Cardiovascular Diseases" (Amy Shih)
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Fighting Viral Infections" (Peter Freddolino)