Lectures and Talks
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | pre-2000
Below are lectures, talks, and other presentations given by TCB faculty and other group members in meetings and conferences locally and around the world.
Klaus Schulten Laxmikant Kale Emad Tajkhorshid Alek Aksimentiev Other TCB Members
- December 2013, Paris, France, Instituts Thematiques Multi-Organismes
Lecture: "Structure and Dynamics of Very Large Macromolecular Systems in Biological Cells Studied at Atomic Resolution" - November 2013, Denver, Colorado, SC 13
Lecture: "Extreme Scale Computation Biology" - November 2013, Frankfort, Germany, Max-Planck-Institut for Moledulare Physiologie
Lecture: "The Members of the Scientific Advisory Board" - October 2013, Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina
Lecture: "Computational Study of Large Scale Biomolecular Structures and Processes" - October 2013, 153 Mechanical Engineering Building, Mechanical Engineering Building, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Lecture: "The Chemistry Nobel Prize 2013 from Up Close" - October 2013, Urbana, IL, Share the Vision, University Office of Technology Management, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy of Health and Technology"
- September 2013, Urbana, IL , Interdisciplinary Symposium on Advanced Nano/Biosystems: Design, Fabrication and Characterization, Materials Research Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lecture: "Computational Microscopy for Health and Technology" - August 2013, Bethesda, MD, Division of Biomedical Technology, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology, and the Structural Biology Interest Group, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institute of Health,
Lecture: "Mature HIV-1 capsid structure solved by cryo-electron microscopy and all-atom molecular dynamics" - July 2013, Institute for Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria, QuEBS 2013 Quantum Effects in Biological Systems Workshop
Lecture: "Quantum Biology of a Magnetic Sense: Physical Principle, Chemical Reality, Biological Purpose" - June 2013, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Gordon Research Conferences - Three Dimensional Electron Microscopy
Lecture: "Solving large biomolecular structures by hybrid methods: computational tools and their application" - June 2013, Holderness, NH, Gordon Research Conferences - Proteins
Lecture: "Experimental-computational study of virus capsid structure and dynamics" - June 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Lecture: "Statistical Mechanics of Proteins; Force Field Parameterization" - June 2013, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Lecture: "Introduction to Protein Structure and Dynamics" - May 2013, Norman, OK, From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB13)
Lecture: "Experimental-Computational Discoveries Achieved Through the Blue Waters and Titan Petascale Computers" - March 2013, Tahoe City, California, Keystone Symposia
Lecture: "Solving Large Structures by Molecular Dynamics Flexible Fitting" - March 2013, Hannover, Germany, DPG--Tagung
Lecture: "How Quantum Coherence Assists Photosynthetic Light Harvesting" - May 2013, Norman, OK, From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology (CBSB13)
Lecture: "Experimental-Computational Discoveries Achieved Through the Blue Waters and Titan Petascale Computers"
- February 2013, Shenzhen, China, 18th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles
and Practice of Parallel Programming
Lecture: “Adoption Protocols for Fanout-Optimal Fault-Tolerant Termination Detection”
- March 2013, Telluride, CO, Telluride Science Research Center, Membrane Biophysics
Lecture: “Accelerating Membrane-Associated Phenomena with a Novel Atomistic Membrane Mimetic Model”
- March 2013, San Diego, CA, X-Gen Congress and Expo
Lecture (plenary): “Toward sequencing DNA using synthetic nanopore sensors”
- February 2013, Philadelphia, PA, Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Poster: "Effects of Point Mutations in Lung Surfactant Protein-D On Enhancing Its Inhibition Activity Against Influenza A Virus" (Boon Chong Goh, Xueqing Zou, Michael J. Rynkiewicz, Barbara A. Seaton, Klaus Schulten) - February 2013, Philadelphia, PA, Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Poster: "Fast Protein Refolding Observed in Pressure-Jump Molecular Dynamics Simuations" (Yanxin Liu, Maxim B. Prigozhin, Martin Grubele, Klaus Schulten) - February 2013, Philadelphia, PA, Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Poster: "Molecular Dynamics Studies of Buckminsterfullerene Derivatives as Drug Carriers" (Rafael C. Bernardi, Klaus Schulten, Pedro G. Pascutti) - February 2013, Philadelphia, PA, Biophysical Society 57th Annual Meeting
Lecture: "Computational Study of RNA Translocation in a Hexameric Helicase" (Wen Ma) - March 2013, San Jose, CA, GPU Technology Conference
Lecture: “Petascale Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Titan and Blue Waters” (James Phillips) - March 2013, San Jose, CA, GPU Technology Conference
Lecture: “VMD: GPU-Accelerated Visualization and Analysis of Petascale Molecular Dynamics Simulations” (John Stone) - March 2013, Urbana, IL, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Graduate Student Seminar Series
Lecture: “DNA Sensing using Graphene Nanopores” (Chaitanya Sathe) - April 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, GPGPU Computing with CUDA Workshop
Lecture: “Programming in CUDA: the essentials” (John Stone) - April 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, GPGPU Computing with CUDA Workshop
Lecture: “CUDA Applications I” (John Stone) - May 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, GPGPU Computing with CUDA Workshop
Lecture: “CUDA Applications II” (John Stone) - May 2013, Cape Town, South Africa, GPGPU Computing with CUDA Workshop
Lecture: “Programming for hybrid architectures” (John Stone)