From: Pijush Ghosh (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2006 - 19:38:21 CDT

John and Alexandr

   Thank you very much.


Pijush Ghosh

PhD Student

Department of Civil Engineering

North Dakota State University

Fargo. ND. 58105. USA





From: Alexandr Isayev []
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 6:46 PM
To: Pijush Ghosh
Subject: Re: vmd-l: movie


Dear Pijush,


this is really easy:

in the main window hit the right button of mouse on your trajectory. From
the menu choose "Delete Frames".

Here you can specify sequence of frames to delete. To make movie with first
300 frames delete frames 300 till 1250.

To make movie from frame 400 to 800 delete frames 801-1250 and 0-399 next.
Alternatevily you can stride your trajectory and make 300 frames from the

For more, please refer to VMD user guide.






Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 5:36:40 PM, you wrote:



I am using VMD 1.8.4. and trying to make movie using Movie maker. I want to
make movie say with first 300 frames. I have 1250 total frames. Where do I
mention that? How if I want to make movie with frame 400 to frame 800?


Any help is highly appreciated.


Pijush Ghosh

PhD Student

Department of Civil Engineering

North Dakota State University

Fargo. ND. 58105. USA










Alexandr Isayev,

Graduate Research Assistant, and System Administrator

@ Computational Center for Molecular Structure

and Interactions (CCMSI),

Jackson State University,

Jackson, MS USA

   Tel: +(601) 979-1134

e-mail: alex(at)

