571. Symmetry-restrained flexible fitting for symmetric EM maps.
Kwok-Yan Chan, James Gumbart, Ryan McGreevy, Jean M. Watermeyer, B. Trevor
Sewell, and Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 19:1211-1218, 2011.
(PMC: 3412758) |
570. Oligomerization state of photosynthetic core complexes is correlated
with the dimerization affinity of a transmembrane helix.
Jen Hsin, Loren LaPointe, Alla Kazy, Christophe Chipot, Alessandro Senes, and
Klaus Schulten.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133:14071-14081,
(PMC: 3168531) |
569. Theory and simulation of the environmental effects on FMO
electronic transitions.
Carsten Olbrich, Johan Strümpfer, Klaus Schulten, and Ulrich
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2:1771-1776, 2011.
(PMC: 3144632) |
568. Immersive out-of-core visualization of large-size and long-timescale
molecular dynamics trajectories.
John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6939:1-12, 2011.
(PMC: 3032211) |
567. Cytosine methylation alters DNA mechanical properties.
Philip M.D. Severin, Xueqing Zou, Hermann E. Gaub, and Klaus Schulten.
Nucleic Acids Research, 39:8740-8751, 2011.
(PMC: 3203585) |
566. From atomistic modeling to excitation transfer and two-dimensional
spectra of the FMO light-harvesting complex.
Carsten Olbrich, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Jörg Liebers, Mortaza Aghtar, Johan
Strümpfer, Klaus Schulten, Jasper Knoester, and Ulrich Kleinekathoefer.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115(26):8609-8621, 2011.
(PMC: 3140161) |
565. Cytoplasmic domain filter function in the mechanosensitive channel of
small conductance.
Ramya Gamini, Marcos Sotomayor, Christophe Chipot, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 101:80-89, 2011.
(PMC: 3127185) |
564. Stereochemical errors and their implications for molecular dynamics
Eduard Schreiner, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Peter L. Freddolino, and Klaus Schulten.
BMC Bioinformatics, 12:190, 2011.
(9 pages).
(PMC: 3124434) |
563. Extension of a three-helix bundle domain of myosin VI and key role
of calmodulins.
Yanxin Liu, Jen Hsin, HyeongJun Kim, Paul R Selvin, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 100:2964-2973, 2011.
(PMC: 3123929) |
562. Theoretical and computational investigation of flagellin
translocation and bacterial flagellum growth.
David E. Tanner, Wen Ma, Zhongzhou Chen, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 100:2548-2556, 2011.
(PMC: 3117181) |
561. Free energy of nascent-chain folding in the translocon.
James Gumbart, Christophe Chipot, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133:7602-7607, 2011.
(PMC: 3100187) |
560. Domain motion of individual F1-ATPase β-subunits during
unbiased molecular dynamics simulations.
Ulrich Kleinekathoefer, Barry Isralewitz, Markus Dittrich, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 115:7267-7274, 2011.
(PMC: 3121902) |
559. Modulating LOV domain photodynamics with a residue alteration
outside the chromophore binding site.
Sang-Hun Song, Peter Freddolino, Abigail Nash, Elizabeth Carroll, Klaus
Schulten, Kevin Gardner, and Delmar S. Larsen.
Biochemistry, 50:2411-2423, 2011.
(PMC: 3068209) |
558. Computational investigation of DNA detection using graphene
Chaitanya Sathe, Xueqing Zou, Jean-Pierre Leburton, and Klaus Schulten.
ACS Nano, 5:8842-8851, 2011.
(PMC: 3222720) |
557. Parallel generalized Born implicit solvent calculations with
David E. Tanner, Kwok-Yan Chan, James Phillips, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 7:3635-3642, 2011.
(PMC: 3222955) |
556. The effect of correlated bath fluctuations on exciton transfer.
Johan Strümpfer and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 134:095102, 2011.
(9 pages).
(PMC: 3064689) |
555. Implementation of accelerated molecular dynamics in NAMD.
Yi Wang, Chris B. Harrison, Klaus Schulten, and J. Andrew McCammon.
Computational Science & Discovery, 4:015002, 2011.
(PMC: PMC3115733) |
554. Structural insights into cognate vs. near-cognate discrimination
during decoding.
Xabier Agirrezabala, Eduard Schreiner, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Jianlin Lei,
Rodrigo F. Ortiz-Meoz, Klaus Schulten, Rachel Green, and Joachim Frank.
EMBO Journal, 30:1497-1507, 2011.
(PMC: 3102289) |
553. Cryo-EM structure of the ribosome-SecYE complex in the membrane
Jens Frauenfeld, James Gumbart, Eli O. van der Sluis, Soledad Funes, Marco
Gartmann, Birgitta Beatrix, Thorsten Mielke, Otto Berninghausen, Thomas
Becker, Klaus Schulten, and Roland Beckmann.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 18:614-621, 2011.
(PMC: PMC3412285) |
552. 3rd generation DNA sequencing with a nanopore.
Gregory Timp, Utkur Mirsaidov, Winston Timp, Jiwook Shim, Deqiang Wang,
Valentin Dimitrov, Jan Scrimgeour, Chunchen Lin, Jeffrey Comer, Anthony Ho,
Xueqing Zou, Aleksei Aksimentiev, and Klaus Schulten.
In Samir M. Iqbal and Rashid Bashir, editors, Nanopores: Sensing
and Fundamental Biological Interactions, chapter 12, pp. 287-312. Springer,
Berlin, 2011.
551. Improved resolution of tertiary structure elasticity in muscle
Jen Hsin and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 100:L22-L24, 2011.
(PMC: 3037604) |
550. Free-energy cost for translocon-assisted insertion of membrane
James Gumbart, Christophe Chipot, and Klaus Schulten.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,
108:3596-3601, 2011.
(PMC: PMC3048118) |
549. Förster energy transfer theory as reflected in the structures of
photosynthetic light harvesting systems.
Melih Sener, Johan Strümpfer, Jen Hsin, Danielle Chandler, Simon Scheuring,
C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten.
ChemPhysChem, 12:518-531, 2011.
(PMC: 3098534) |
548. Molecular dynamics simulations of forced unbending of integrin
Wei Chen, Jizhong Lou, Jen Hsin, Klaus Schulten, Stephen C. Harvey, and Cheng
PLoS Computational Biology, 7(2):e1001086, 2011.
(13 pages).
(PMC: 3040657) |
547. High-performance scalable molecular dynamics simulations of a
polarizable force field based on classical Drude oscillators in NAMD.
Wei Jiang, David J. Hardy, James C. Phillips, Alexander D. MacKerell Jr., Klaus
Schulten, and Benoît Roux.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2:87-92, 2011.
(PMC: 3092300) |
546. Molecular dynamics of EF-G during translocation.
Wen Li, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Klaus Schulten, and Joachim Frank.
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics,
79:1478-1486, 2011.
(PMC: 3132869) |
545. Molecular origin of the hierarchical elasticity of titin: Simulation,
experiment and theory.
Jen Hsin, Johan Strümpfer, Eric H. Lee, and Klaus Schulten.
Annual Review of Biophysics, 40:187-203, 2011.
544. The light-harvesting apparatus in purple photosynthetic bacteria,
introduction to a quantum biological device.
Johan Strümpfer, Jen Hsin, Melih Sener, Danielle Chandler, and Klaus
In Benoit Roux, editor, Molecular Machines, chapter 2, pp.
19-48. World Scientific Press, 2011.
543. Viewing the mechanisms of translation through the computational
James Gumbart, Eduard Schreiner, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Kwok-Yan Chan, and Klaus
In Joachim Frank, editor, Molecular Machines in Biology,
chapter 8, pp. 142-157. Cambridge University Press, 2011.
542. Quest for spatially correlated fluctuations in the FMO
light-harvesting complex.
Carsten Olbrich, Johan Strümpfer, Klaus Schulten, and Ulrich
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 115:758-764, 2011.
(PMC: 3244696) |
541. Applications of the molecular dynamics flexible fitting method.
Leonardo G. Trabuco, Eduard Schreiner, James Gumbart, Jen Hsin, Elizabeth
Villa, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Structural Biology, 173:420-427, 2011.
(PMC: 3032011) |
540. Fast molecular electrostatics algorithms on GPUs.
David J. Hardy, John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, David Gohara, Christopher
Rodrigues, and Klaus Schulten.
In Wen-mei Hwu, editor, GPU Computing Gems, chapter 4, pp.
43-58. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
539. GPU-accelerated computation and interactive display of molecular
John E. Stone, David J. Hardy, Jan Saam, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus
In Wen-mei Hwu, editor, GPU Computing Gems, chapter 1, pp.
5-18. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
538. GPU algorithms for molecular modeling.
John E. Stone, David J. Hardy, Barry Isralewitz, and Klaus Schulten.
In Jack Dongarra, David A. Bader, and Jakub Kurzak, editors,
Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators, chapter 16, pp.
351-371. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2011.
537. Immersive molecular visualization and interactive modeling with
commodity hardware.
John E. Stone, Axel Kohlmeyer, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6454:382-393, 2010.
536. The role of L1 stalk-tRNA interaction in the ribosome elongation
Leonardo G. Trabuco, Eduard Schreiner, John Eargle, Peter Cornish, Taekjip Ha,
Zaida Luthey-Schulten, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 402:741-760, 2010.
(PMC: 2967302) |
535. Formation of salt bridges mediates internal dimerization of myosin
VI medial tail domain.
HyeongJun Kim, Jen Hsin, Yanxin Liu, Paul R. Selvin, and Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 18:1443-1449, 2010.
(PMC: 3027149) |
534. Lipid-protein correlations in nanoscale phospholipid bilayers
determined by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance.
Aleksandra Kijac, Amy Y. Shih, Andrew J. Nieuwkoop, Klaus Schulten, Stephen G.
Sligar, and Chad Rienstra.
Biochemistry, 49:9190-9198, 2010.
(PMC: PMC3136391) |
533. GPU-accelerated molecular modeling coming of age.
John E. Stone, David J. Hardy, Ivan S. Ufimtsev, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 29:116-125, 2010.
(PMC: 2934899) |
532. Computational microscopy of the role of protonable surface residues
in nanoprecipitation oscillations.
Eduardo R. Cruz-Chu and Klaus Schulten.
ACS Nano, 4:4463-4474, 2010.
(PMC: 2927718) |
531. Energy transfer dynamics in an RC-LH1-PufX tubular photosynthetic
Jen Hsin, Johan Strümpfer, Melih Sener, Pu Qian, C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus
New Journal of Physics, 12:085005, 2010.
(19 pages).
(PMC: 2997751) |
530. O2-reactivity of flavoproteins: Dynamic access of dioxygen to
the active site and role of a H+ relay system in D-amino acid oxidase.
Jan Saam, Elena Rosini, Gianluca Molla, Klaus Schulten, Loredano Pollegioni,
and Sandro Ghisla.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285:24439-24446, 2010.
(PMC: 2915680) |
529. Squeezing protein shells: How continuum elastic models, molecular
dynamics simulations and experiments coalesce at the nanoscale.
Wouter H. Roos, Melissa M. Gibbons, Anton Arkhipov, Charlotte Uetrecht, Norman
Watts, Paul Wingfield, Alasdair C. Steven, Albert J.R.Heck, Klaus Schulten,
William S. Klug, and Gijs J.L. Wuite.
Biophysical Journal, 99:1175-1181, 2010.
(PMC: 2920642) |
528. Flow-induced β-hairpin folding of the glycoprotein Ibα
Xueqing Zou, Yanxin Liu, Zhongzhou Chen, Gloria Ines Cárdenas-Jirón,
and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 99:1182-1191, 2010.
(PMC: 2920744) |
527. Challenges in protein folding simulations.
Peter L. Freddolino, Christopher B. Harrison, Yanxin Liu, and Klaus Schulten.
Nature Physics, 6:751-758, 2010.
(PMC: 3032381) |
526. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that electrostatic funnel
directs binding of Tamiflu to influenza N1 neuraminidases.
Ly Le, Eric H. Lee, David J. Hardy, Thanh N. Truong, and Klaus Schulten.
PLoS Computational Biology, 6:e1000939, 2010.
(13 pages).
(PMC: 2944783) |
525. How birds and other animals orient in the Earth magnetic field.
Ilia A. Solov'yov, Klaus Schulten, and Walter Greiner.
Physik Journal, 9:23-28, 2010.
(article in German only).
(NIHMS: 280922) |
524. Photosynthetic vesicle architecture and constraints on efficient
energy harvesting.
Melih Sener, Johan Strumpfer, John A. Timney, Arvi Freiberg, C. Neil Hunter,
and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 99:67-75, 2010.
(PMC: 2895385) |
523. Acuity of a cryptochrome and vision based magnetoreception system in
Ilia A. Solov'yov, Henrik Mouritsen, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 99:40-49, 2010.
(PMC: 2895366) |
522. Going beyond clustering in MD trajectory analysis: an application
to villin headpiece folding.
Aruna Rajan, Peter L. Freddolino, and Klaus Schulten.
PLoS One, 5:e9890, 2010.
(12 pages).
(PMC: 2855342) |
521. Calculation of the gating charge for the Kv1.2 voltage-activated
potassium channel.
Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi, Vishwanath Jogini, Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy, Emad
Tajkhorshid, Benoit Roux, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 98:2189-2198, 2010.
(PMC: 2872222) |
520. Recognition of the regulatory nascent chain TnaC by the ribosome.
Leonardo G. Trabuco, Christopher B Harrison, Eduard Schreiner, and Klaus
Structure, 18:627-637, 2010.
(PMC: 3244694) |
519. Self-assembly of photosynthetic membranes.
Jen Hsin, Danielle E. Chandler, James Gumbart, Christopher B. Harrison, Melih
Sener, Johan Strumpfer, and Klaus Schulten.
ChemPhysChem, 11:1154-1159, 2010.
(PMC: 3086839) |
518. Probing a structural model of the nuclear pore complex channel
through molecular dynamics.
Lingling Miao and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 98:1658-1667, 2010.
(PMC: 2865169) |
517. Multi-scale simulations of membrane sculpting by N-BAR domains.
Ying Yin, Anton Arkhipov, and Klaus Schulten.
In Philip Biggin and Mark Sansom, editors, Molecular Simulations
and Biomembranes: From Biophysics to Function, chapter 6, pp. 146-176.
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2010.
516. Tertiary and secondary structure elasticity of a six-Ig titin
Eric H. Lee, Jen Hsin, Eleonore von Castelmur, Olga Mayans, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 98:1085-1095, 2010.
(PMC: 2849065) |
515. Molecular modeling of swine influenza A/H1N1, Spanish H1N1, and
avian H5N1 flu N1 neuraminidases bound to Tamiflu and Relenza.
Ly Le, Eric H. Lee, Klaus Schulten, and Thahn Truong.
PLoS Currents: Influenza, 2009 Aug 27:RRN1015, 2010.
(9 pages).
(PMC: 2762416) |
514. Light harvesting complex II B850 excitation dynamics.
Johan Strümpfer and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 131:225101, 2009.
(9 pages).
(PMC: 2802260) |
513. Structural insight into nascent polypeptide chain-mediated
translational stalling.
Birgit Seidelt, C. Axel Innis, Daniel N. Wilson, Marco Gartmann, Jean-Paul
Armache, Elizabeth Villa, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Thomas Becker, Thorsten
Mielke, Klaus Schulten, Thomas A. Steitz, and Roland Beckmann.
Science, 326:1412-1415, 2009.
(PMC: 2920484) |
512. Structure of monomeric yeast and mammalian Sec61 complexes
interacting with the translating ribosome.
Thomas Becker, Shashi Bhushan, Alexander Jarasch, Jean-Paul Armache, Soledad
Funes, Fabrice Jossinet, James Gumbart, Thorsten Mielke, Otto Berninghausen,
Klaus Schulten, Eric Westhof, Reid Gilmore, Elisabet C. Mandon, and Roland
Science, 326:1369-1373, 2009.
(PMC: 2920595) |
511. A glycophorin A-like framework for the dimerization of
photosynthetic core complexes.
Jen Hsin, Chris Chipot, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131:17096-17098,
(PMC: 2792896) |
510. Science and engineering in the petascale era.
Thom H. Dunning Jr., Klaus Schulten, Jeroen Tromp, Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Kelvin
Droegemeier, Ming Xue, and Paul Fussell.
Computing in Science and Engineering, 11:28-36, 2009.
(PMC: 3190305) |
509. Regulation of the protein-conducting channel by a bound ribosome.
James Gumbart, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Eduard Schreiner, Elizabeth Villa, and
Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 17:1453-1464, 2009.
(PMC: 2778611) |
508. Polarizable intermolecular potentials for water and benzene
interacting with halide and metal ions.
Fabien Archambault, Christophe Chipot, Ignacio Soteras, F. Javier Luque, Klaus
Schulten, and Francois Dehez.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 5:3022-3031, 2009.
(PMC: 2990227) |
507. Membrane curvature induced by aggregates of LH2s and monomeric
Danielle E. Chandler, James Gumbart, John D. Stack, Christophe Chipot, and
Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 97:2978-2984, 2009.
(PMC: 2784572) |
506. Discovery through the computational microscope.
Eric H. Lee, Jen Hsin, Marcos Sotomayor, Gemma Comellas, and Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 17:1295-1306, 2009.
(PMC: 2927212) |
505. Membrane-bending mechanism of amphiphysin N-BAR domains.
Anton Arkhipov, Ying Yin, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 97:2727-2735, 2009.
(PMC: 2776244) |
504. Common structural transitions in explicit-solvent simulations of
villin headpiece folding.
Peter L. Freddolino and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 97:2338-2347, 2009.
(PMC: 2764099) |
503. Elucidating the mechanism behind irreversible deformation of viral
Anton Arkhipov, Wouter H. Roos, Gijs J. L. Wuite, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 97:2061-2069, 2009.
(PMC: 2756377) |
502. Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric HbI: Studies
by time-resolved crystallography, Xe binding, and computational analysis.
James E. Knapp, Reinhard Pahl, Jordi Cohen, Jeffry C. Nichols, Klaus Schulten,
Quentin H. Gibson, Vukica Srajer, and William E. Royer Jr.
Structure, 17:1494-1504, 2009.
(PMC: 2785043) |
501. Molecular control of ionic conduction in polymer nanopores.
Eduardo R. Cruz-Chu, Thorsten Ritz, Zuzanna S. Siwy, and Klaus Schulten.
Faraday Discussions, 143:47-62, 2009.
(PMC: 2907245) |
500. Maturation of high-density lipoproteins.
Amy Y. Shih, Stephen G. Sligar, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6:863-871, 2009.
(PMC: 2805102) |
499. Protein-induced membrane curvature investigated through molecular
dynamics flexible fitting.
Jen Hsin, James Gumbart, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Elizabeth Villa, Pu Qian, C. Neil
Hunter, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 97:321-329, 2009.
(PMC: 2711417) |
498. Molecular Dynamics Flexible Fitting: A practical guide to combine
cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography.
Leonardo G. Trabuco, Elizabeth Villa, Eduard Schreiner, Christopher B.
Harrison, and Klaus Schulten.
Methods, 49:174-180, 2009.
(PMC: 2753685) |
497. Magnetoreception through cryptochrome may involve superoxide.
Ilia A. Solov'yov and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 96:4804-4813, 2009.
(PMC: 2712043) |
496. Simulations of membrane tubulation by lattices of amphiphysin N-BAR
Ying Yin, Anton Arkhipov, and Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 17:882-892, 2009.
(PMC: 2743466) |
495. Molecular dynamics simulations of membrane channels and transporters.
Fatemeh Khalili-Araghi, James Gumbart, Po-Chao Wen, Marcos Sotomayor, Emad
Tajkhorshid, and Klaus Schulten.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 19:128-137, 2009.
(PMC: 2680122) |
494. Force field bias in protein folding simulations.
Peter L. Freddolino, Sanghyun Park, Benoit Roux, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 96:3772-3780, 2009.
(PMC: 2711430) |
493. Limits for reduction of effective focal volume in multiple-beam light
Anton Arkhipov and Klaus Schulten.
Optics Express, 17:2861-2870, 2009.
(PMC: 3160275) |
492. High performance computation and interactive display of molecular
orbitals on GPUs and multi-core CPUs.
John E. Stone, Jan Saam, David J. Hardy, Kirby L. Vandivort, Wen-mei W. Hwu,
and Klaus Schulten.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on General-Purpose Processing
on Graphics Processing Units, ACM International Conference Proceeding
Series, volume 383, pp. 9-18, New York, NY, USA, 2009. ACM.
491. Structural model and excitonic properties of the dimeric
RC-LH1-PufX complex from Rhodobacter Sphaeroides.
Melih K. Sener, Jen Hsin, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Elizabeth Villa, Pu Qian,
C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics, 357:188-197, 2009.
(PMC: 2678753) |
490. Transport-related structures and processes of the nuclear pore
complex studied through molecular dynamics.
Lingling Miao and Klaus Schulten.
Structure, 17:449-459, 2009.
(PMC: 2701619) |
489. Elasticity and rupture of a multi-domain neural cell adhesion
molecule complex.
Venkat Maruthamuthu, Klaus Schulten, and Deborah Leckband.
Biophysical Journal, 96:3005-3014, 2009.
(PMC: 2718298) |
488. Modeling transport through synthetic nanopores.
Aleksei Aksimentiev, Robert K. Brunner, Eduardo Cruz-Chu, Jeffrey Comer, and
Klaus Schulten.
IEEE Nanotechnology, 3:20-28, 2009.
(PMC: 3168529) |
487. Ribosome-induced changes in elongation factor Tu conformation
control GTP hydrolysis.
Elizabeth Villa, Jayati Sengupta, Leonardo G. Trabuco, Jamie LeBarron,
William T. Baxter, Tanvir R. Shaikh, Robert A. Grassucci, Poul Nissen,
Måns Ehrenberg, Klaus Schulten, and Joachim Frank.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,
106:1063-1068, 2009.
(PMC: 2613361) |
486. Multilevel summation of electrostatic potentials using graphics
processing units.
David J. Hardy, John E. Stone, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Parallel Computing, 35:164-177, 2009.
(PMC: 2743154) |
485. Ionic current rectification through silica nanopores.
Eduardo R. Cruz-Chu, Aleksei Aksimentiev, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113:1850-1862, 2009.
(PMC: 2658614) |
484. Nanoelectromechanics of methylated DNA in a synthetic nanopore.
Utkur M. Mirsaidov, Winston Timp, Xueqing Zou, Valentin Dimitrov, Klaus
Schulten, Andrew P. Feinberg, and Greg Timp.
Biophysical Journal, 96:L32-L34, 2009.
(PMC: 2717226) |
483. Photochemical reaction dynamics of the primary event of vision
studied by a hybrid molecular simulation.
Shigehiko Hayashi, Emad Tajkhorshid, and Klaus Schulten.
Biophysical Journal, 96:403-416, 2009.
(PMC: 19167292) |