From: Esther Brugger (
Date: Mon Mar 05 2007 - 17:00:36 CST

Dear All,
 I met a weird problem when I read a pdb file using VMD. This pdb file was saved by VMD through AMBER trajectory file. It is no problem to read it by VMD first. Then I changed some atom names and residue names to the standard amino acid. If I tpye all these modification, it can be read by VMD correctly. Since I have thousand atoms need to be modifed, I just use the copy/paste to do it. But if I use Copy/Paste command in Nedit editor, VMD couldn't recognize the PDB file. I really don't know why. Is there someone has this experience before? Because the atoms is a lot, I cann't type one by one. Could somebody give me some suggestions for that? Thank you very much for your help!

Esther B.

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