From: Patric Beuthen (
Date: Fri Jun 26 1998 - 08:38:12 CDT


when vmd-1.2beta2 came out I was told to get and install it. SURF and MSMS
didn't work. Michel Sanner -the developper of msms- didn't know the way to
make it work and Andrew Dalke -a former dev. of vmd told me, that my
surf-problem would be a beta2 bug.

Now, that I have installed beta3 SURF works --- FINE! But MSMS still
doesen't. I'm running a SGI Octane with IRIX6.4. If anybody can point me
to the things I'm doing wrong, I were quiet happy with all these extra
wishes of software installtions.

Here's an abstratct of the VMD console:

Info) Done.
Starting MSMS with: '/KM/comp-bio/vmd-1.2b3/bin/msms.sgi_IRIX6 -no_area
-socketPort 1358 > /dev/tty &'
Service 1358 couldn't be open ... ByeWaiting for MSMS server ...
Waiting for MSMS server ...
Waiting for MSMS server ...
Waiting for MSMS server ...
Could not connect to MSMS server. Please check that the program
'/KM/comp-bio/vmd-1.2b3/bin/msms.sgi_IRIX6' exists and is executable, or
set the environment variable
MSMSSERVER to point to the correct binary
Info) Done with MSMS surface.

just befor I set MSMSSERVER to the binary and the BABELDIR (do I need it)?

--------- Here I moved msms and started it on the VMD console:
vmd > cd vmd-1.2b3
vmd > cd vmd
vmd > ./msms -no_area -socketPort 1429 > /dev/tty &

Info) 3131
vmd > Service 1429 couldn't be open ... Bye

Thanks in advance, Patric.

Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
phone: +49 681 9325-529