VMD-L Mailing List
From: Chris Taylor (christay_at_usc.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 12 2021 - 21:46:24 CDT
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I’ve been working with this some more- I downloaded the 1k4r.pdb1 and 5ire.pdb1 biological assembly files from the RCSB.org protein databank and the mergemultiframepdb.tcl script. In VMD, I run
source mergemultiframepdb.tcl
.and then:
mol new 1k4r.pdb1 type pdb
merge_multi_frame_structure top /Users/cht/Downloads/temp 1k4r_merged
Sometimes this completes fine, and other times it dies with an error:
psfgen) reading coordinates from pdb file C:/Users/cht/Downloads/temp/merge0000.F.pdb for segment V6
psfgen) Warning: failed to set coordinate for atom CD1 ILE:36 V6
PDB: C:/Users/cht/Downloads/temp/merge0000.G.pdb V7
psfgen) building segment V7
psfgen) setting patch for first residue to NONE
psfgen) setting patch for last residue to NONE
psfgen) reading residues from pdb file C:/Users/cht/Downloads/temp/merge0000.G.pdb
psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
psfgen) extracted 2 residues from pdb file
Info: generating structure...
psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
With another file, it seems to consistently error out and crash VMD when I run:
mol new 5ire.pdb1 type pdb
merge_multi_frame_structure top /Users/cht/Downloads/temp 5ire_merged
I get a similar error about the unknown residue type. I’ve tried on a Windows10 as well as a CentOS8 laptop, both with 16Gb RAM. It seems to have plenty of free RAM, not running any other apps. Has anybody else run into this?
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> On Behalf Of Chris Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 19:03
To: Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey_at_gmail.com>; vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu
Subject: RE: vmd-l: Merge frames of PDB asymmetric unit to biological assembly
I changed the line in the script that says
set topologyfile [format "%s/plugins/noarch/tcl/membrane1.2/top_all27_prot_lipid.inp" $env(VMDDIR)]
And then I downloaded the example PDB and ran
vmd > source mergemultiframepdb.tcl
vmd > mol new Downloads/1k4r.pdb1 type pdb
Info) Using plugin pdb for structure file Downloads/1k4r.pdb1
Info) Using plugin pdb for coordinates from file Downloads/1k4r.pdb1
Info) Determining bond structure from distance search ...
Info) Analyzing structure ...
Info) Atoms: 9084
vmd > Info) Finished with coordinate file Downloads/1k4r.pdb1.
That worked fine, but I keep getting errors like this and no file is written out. I tried with a couple of PDB assembly files I downloaded. Am I doing something wrong? I tried it on Windows 10 and Centos8, but I’m not sure that matters.
vmd > merge_multi_frame_structure top /home/cht/tmp Downloads/1k4r_merged.pdb
psfgen) Warning: failed to set coordinate for atom CD1 ILE:36 V6
PDB: /home/cht/tmp/merge0000.G.pdb V7
psfgen) building segment V7
psfgen) setting patch for first residue to NONE
psfgen) setting patch for last residue to NONE
psfgen) reading residues from pdb file /home/cht/tmp/merge0000.G.pdb
psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
psfgen) extracted 2 residues from pdb file
psfgen) Info: generating structure...psfgen) unknown residue type NAG
ERROR: failed on end of segment
MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over.
From: Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey_at_gmail.com<mailto:akohlmey_at_gmail.com>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 21:43
To: Chris Taylor <christay_at_usc.edu<mailto:christay_at_usc.edu>>
Cc: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu<mailto:vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Re: vmd-l: Merge frames of PDB asymmetric unit to biological assembly
This is not a plugin but just a script with some functions written in VMD/Tcl. And the script from the URL you quote will still work if you make a tiny adjustment (it works for me with the provided example): there is some location that points to the membrane plugin version 1.0. This plugin is in version 1.2 in my VMD installation, so I needed to edit the file accordingly. but other than that i just followed the instructions, downloaded the PDB file, uncompressed it. launched VMD, sources the tcl script. loaded the pdb file, then ran the command and then loaded the final pdb file. It is complaining about poorly guessed coordinates, but the atoms are still there.
On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 11:50 PM Chris Taylor <christay_at_usc.edu<mailto:christay_at_usc.edu>> wrote:
It mentions using a plugin http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/script_library/scripts/mergemultiframepdb/
Hello, I ran across this old mailing list post:
Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com<mailto:akohlmey_at_gmail.com> https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://goo.gl/1wk0__;!!DZ3fjg!v1NuBngCO5dVfUBCFGPXbHKVVp2nmzyVuxVZf3g5_MjJ7CeH5XjlZ6z0FEkO6UGPYw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/goo.gl/1wk0__;!!LIr3w8kk_Xxm!47hwBdwdVFf8u8XVwBdGDqlkA_tnfVd0JjYWvzwhNYf0OKkizfB3fNAZgLp_jmY$>
College of Science & Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.