60. Generalized moment expansion for observables of stochastic processes
in dimensions d > 1: Application to Mössbauer spectra of proteins.
Walter Nadler and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 84:4015-4025, 1986.
59. Noise-induced neural impulses.
Herbert Treutlein and Klaus Schulten.
European Biophysics Journal, 13:355-365, 1986.
58. Proton conduction through proteins: An overview of theoretical
principles and applications.
Zan Schulten and Klaus Schulten.
Methods in Enzymology, 127:419-438, 1986.
57. Neuro-kybernetik und künstliche Intelligenz.
Joachim Buhmann, Helge Ritter, and Klaus Schulten.
Computerwoche, 25, 1985.
56. Electron conduction along aliphatic chains.
Robert Bittl, Herbert Treutlein, and Klaus Schulten.
In M. Michel-Beyerle, editor, Antennas and Reaction Centers of
Photosynthetic Bacteria - Structure, Interaction and Dynamics, pp.
264-276. Springer, 1985.
55. Single-cell flux measurement by continuous fluorescence
M. Scholz, Klaus Schulten, and Reiner Peters.
European Biophysics Journal, 13:37-44, 1985.
54. Mean relaxation time approximation for dynamical correlation
functions in stochastic systems near instabilities.
Walter Nadler and Klaus Schulten.
Zeitschrift für Physik B, 59:53-61, 1985.
53. Noise induced limit cycles of the Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model
of neural pulses.
Herbert Treutlein and Klaus Schulten.
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics, 89:710-718, 1985.
52. A model for the lateral diffusion of `stiff' chains in a lipid
Walter Nadler, Paul Tavan, and Klaus Schulten.
European Biophysics Journal, 12:25-31, 1985.
51. Generalized moment expansion for Brownian relaxation processes.
Walter Nadler and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 82:151-160, 1985.
50. The effect of intramolecular paramagnetic-diamagnetic exchange on
the magnetic field effect of radical pair recombination.
Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 82:1312-1316, 1985.
49. Continuous fluorescence microphotolysis to observe lateral diffusion
in membranes: Theoretical methods and applications.
Axel Brünger, Reiner Peters, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 82:2147-2160, 1985.
48. Substituents at the C13 position of retinal and their
influence on the function of bacteriorhodopsin.
Paul Tavan, Klaus Schulten, Wolfgang Gärtner, and Dieter Oesterhelt.
Biophysical Journal, 47:349-356, 1985.
(PMC: 1435211) |
47. Model for the resistance of the proton channel formed by the
proteolipid of ATPase.
Zan Schulten and Klaus Schulten.
European Biophysics Journal, 11:149-155, 1985.
46. The effect of protonation and electrical interactions on the
stereochemistry of retinal Schiff bases.
Paul Tavan, Klaus Schulten, and Dieter Oesterhelt.
Biophysical Journal, 47:415-430, 1985.
(PMC: 1435223) |
45. Magnetfeldeffekte in Chemie und Biologie.
Klaus Schulten and Albert Weller.
Die Umschau, 25/26:779-783, 1984.
44. The effect of protonation on the thermal isomerization of
stilbazolium betaines.
Paul Tavan and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics Letters, 110:191-195, 1984.
43. Theory of Mössbauer spectra of proteins fluctuating between
conformational substates.
Walter Nadler and Klaus Schulten.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,
81:5719-5723, 1984.
(PMC: 391782) |
42. An isomerization model for the pump cycle of bacteriorhodopsin.
Klaus Schulten, Zan Schulten, and Paul Tavan.
In L. Bolis, E. J. M. Helmreich, and H. Passow, editors,
Information and Energy Transduction in Biological Membranes, pp. 113-131.
Allan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1984.
41. Generalized moment description of Brownian dynamics in biological
Klaus Schulten, Axel Brünger, Walter Nadler, and Zan Schulten.
In E. Frehland, editor, Synergetics - From Microscopic to
Macroscopic Order, pp. 80-89. Springer, 1984.
40. Ensemble averaged spin pair dynamics of doublet and triplet
Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 80:3668-3679, 1984.
39. A network thermodynamic investigation of stationary and
non-stationary proton transport through proteins.
Axel Brünger, Zan Schulten, and Klaus Schulten.
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, NF136:1-63, 1983.
38. Ensemble averaged spin pair dynamics of doublet and triplet
Klaus Schulten.
In P. Reineker, H. Haken, and H. C. Wolf, editors, Organic
Molecular Aggregates, pp. 76-87. Springer, 1983.
37. Generalized moment expansion for the Mössbauer spectrum of
Brownian particles.
Walter Nadler and Klaus Schulten.
Physical Review Letters, 51:1712-1715, 1983.
36. Extended Brownian dynamics: II. Reactive, nonlinear diffusion.
Gene Lamm and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 78:2713-2734, 1983.
35. Linear polyene electronic structure and potential surfaces.
Bruce S. Hudson, Bryan E. Kohler, and Klaus Schulten.
In Edward C. Lim, editor, Excited States, volume 6, pp. 1-95.
Academic Press, New York, 1982.
34. Magnetic field effects in chemistry and biology.
Klaus Schulten.
In J. Treusch, editor, Festkörperprobleme, volume 22, pp.
61-83. Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1982.
33. Extended Brownian dynamics approach to diffusion-controlled
Gene Lamm and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 75:365-371, 1981.
32. Continuous fluorescence microphotolysis: A sensitive method for study
of diffusion processes in single cells.
Reiner Peters, Axel Brünger, and Klaus Schulten.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA,
78:962-966, 1981.
(PMC: 319925) |
31. Dynamics of reactions involving diffusive barrier crossing.
Klaus Schulten, Zan Schulten, and Attila Szabo.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 74:4426-4432, 1981.
30. The spectra of carbonium ions, cyanine dyes, and protonated Schiff
base polyenes.
Klaus Schulten, Uri Dinur, and Barry Honig.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 73:3927-3935, 1980.
29. On the nature of excited electronic states in cyanine dyes:
Implications for visual pigment spectra.
Uri Dinur, Barry Honig, and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics Letters, 72:493-497, 1980.
28. First passage time approach to diffusion controlled reactions.
Attila Szabo, Klaus Schulten, and Zan Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 72:4350-4357, 1980.
27. An efficient approach to CI: General matrix element formulas for
spin-coupled particle-hole excitations.
Paul Tavan and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 72:3547-3576, 1980.
26. Reactions governed by a binomial redistribution process. The
Ehrenfest urn problem.
Klaus Schulten, Zan Schulten, and Attila Szabo.
Physica, 100A:599-614, 1980.
25. Proton conduction in linear hydrogen-bonded systems.
Ernst-Walter Knapp, Klaus Schulten, and Zan Schulten.
Chemical Physics, 46:215-229, 1980.
24. Magnetic field effect on the hyperfine-induced electron spin motion
in radicals undergoing diamagnetic-paramagnetic exchange.
Ernst-Walter Knapp and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 71:1878-1883, 1979.
23. Recombination of radical pairs in high magnetic fields: A path
integral-Monte Carlo treatment.
Klaus Schulten and Irving R. Epstein.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 71:309-316, 1979.
22. Correlation effects in the spectra of polyacenes.
Paul Tavan and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 70:5414-5421, 1979.
21. The 21Ag - 11Bu energy gap in the polyenes: An extended
configuration interaction study.
Paul Tavan and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 70:5407-5413, 1979.
20. Modeling diffusive motion of ferredoxin and plastocyanin on the PSI
domain of Procholorococcus marinus MIT931.
Aaron Chan, Emad Tajkhorshid, Zaida Luthey-Schulten, and Melih Sener.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 129:52-70, 2025.
19. A biomagnetic sensory mechanism based on magnetic field modulated
coherent electron spin motion.
Klaus Schulten, Charles E. Swenberg, and Albert Weller.
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, NF111:1-5, 1978.
18. An isomerization model for the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin.
Klaus Schulten.
In S. R. Caplan and M. Ginzburg, editors, Energetics and
Structure of Halophilic Organisms, pp. 331-334. Elsevier, 1978.
17. Exploring fast electron transfer processes by magnetic fields.
Klaus Schulten and Albert Weller.
Biophysical Journal, 24:295-305, 1978.
(PMC: 1473906) |
16. Semiclassical description of electron spin motion in radicals
including the effect of electron hopping.
Klaus Schulten and Peter G. Wolynes.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 68:3292-3297, 1978.
15. The `phantom' photochemical singlet state of stilbene and its
diphenylpolyene relative.
Paul Tavan and Klaus Schulten.
Chemical Physics Letters, 56:200-204, 1978.
14. Electron transfer and spin exchange contributing to the magnetic
field dependence of the primary photochemical reaction of bacterial
Hans-Joachim Werner, Klaus Schulten, and Albert Weller.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 502:255-268, 1978.
13. A mechanism for the light-driven proton pump of
Halobacterium halobium.
Klaus Schulten and Paul Tavan.
Nature, 272:85-86, 1978.
12. Renormalized configuration interaction method for electron
correlation in the excited states of polyenes.
I. Ohmine, Martin Karplus, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 68:2298-2318, 1978.
11. Theory of the magnetic field modulated geminate recombination of
radical ion pairs in polar solvents: Application to the
pyrene-N,N-dimethylaniline system.
Hans-Joachim Werner, Zan Schulten, and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 67:646-663, 1977.
10. The generation, diffusion, spin motion, and recombination of radical
pairs in solution in the nanosecond time domain.
Zan Schulten and Klaus Schulten.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 66:4616-4634, 1977.
9. Quantum mechanical propensity rules for the transfer of angular
momentum in three-atom reactions.
Klaus Schulten.
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics, 81:166-168, 1977.
8. Magnetic field dependence of the geminate recombination of radical
ion pairs in polar solvents.
Klaus Schulten, H. Staerk, Albert Weller, Hans-Joachim Werner, and B. Nickel.
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, NF101:371-390, 1976.
7. Recursive evaluation of 3j- and 6j-coefficients.
Klaus Schulten and Roy G. Gordon.
Computational Physics Communications, 11:269-278, 1976.
6. Quantum theory of angular momentum coupling in reactive collisions.
Klaus Schulten and Roy G. Gordon.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 64:2918-2938, 1976.
5. Correlation effects in the spectra of polyenes.
Klaus Schulten, I. Ohmine, and Martin Karplus.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 64:4422-4441, 1976.
4. Semiclassical approximation to 3j- and 6j-coefficients for
quantum-mechanical coupling of angular momenta.
Klaus Schulten and Roy G. Gordon.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 16:1971-1988, 1975.
3. Exact recursive evaluation of 3j- and 6j-coefficients for
quantum-mechanical coupling of angular momenta.
Klaus Schulten and Roy G. Gordon.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 16:1961-1970, 1975.
2. Possible influence of a low-lying "covalent" excited state on the
absorption spectrum and photoisomerization of 11-cis retinal.
Robert R. Birge, Klaus Schulten, and Martin Karplus.
Chemical Physics Letters, 31:451-454, 1975.
1. On the origin of a low-lying forbidden transition in polyenes and
related molecules.
Klaus Schulten and Martin Karplus.
Chemical Physics Letters, 14:305-309, 1972.