VMD-L Mailing List
From: Zara Sands (zara.sands_at_bioch.ox.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Jun 12 2006 - 06:36:34 CDT
- Next message: Arneh Babakhani: "Segmentation fault when trying to load GROMACS trajectories"
- Previous message: pkb bioinfo: "missing" Number of frames to render" in VMD window movie generator"
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Does anyone know where I can find documentation on the use of the PMEpot
plugin (as I am not quite sure what the difference is between the length
and the vector variables, also I think that the origin values correspond
to the centre of the unit box in question but I am not certain).
Any help greatly appreciated,
-- ******************************************************************************** Dr Zara A. Sands Department of Biochemistry University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3QU U.K. E: zara.sands_at_bioch.ox.ac.uk T: 01865 275380 F: 01865 275182 W: http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/sands.php ********************************************************************************
- Next message: Arneh Babakhani: "Segmentation fault when trying to load GROMACS trajectories"
- Previous message: pkb bioinfo: "missing" Number of frames to render" in VMD window movie generator"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: (no subject)"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: (no subject)"
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