From: Gustavo Seabra (
Date: Tue May 23 2006 - 13:40:02 CDT

Hi all,

I am using a script to show a time label on the trajectory. It is a
simple script that I got from an old post (sorry, don't remember the
author) and modified just slightly. It works fine, but the text could
be a bit better.

My question is: Would anyone know how to make the font bold? and
possibly how to change the font? I've been googling this for a while
but still could not find anything that works.


Gustavo Seabra.

Here is the script. If you want to try, notice that the text is being
written in black, so use a light background (or change the text color

## timestamp.tcl is a VMD script that adds a time label to the
## displayed structure.
## To use this script:
## 1) load your trajectory
## 2) source timestamp.tcl
## 3) enabletrace
## 4) do your thing :-)
## 5) disabletrace
## Remember to adjust the values of 'proc drawcounter' accordingly!

proc enabletrace {} {
  global vmd_frame;
  trace variable vmd_frame([molinfo top]) w drawcounter

proc disabletrace {} {
  global vmd_frame;
  trace vdelete vmd_frame([molinfo top]) w drawcounter

proc drawcounter { name element op } {
  global vmd_frame;

  draw delete all
  # puts "callback!"

  ## Label text color
  draw color black

  ## number of ps per frame
  set psperframe 0.005

  ## Sets the 'time' (string with the time and units)
  set time [format "%8.3f ps" [expr $vmd_frame([molinfo top]) * $psperframe]]

  ## Finally, draw the text
  draw text {30 38 35} "$time" size 3