From: Luis Rosales (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2005 - 20:21:43 CST

Hi all!!!


I made some questions with the system administrators and I found that we have
at least a couple of applications using CAVElib: CAVE5D/Vis5D and Wonderland
where the tracking system is running fine.

I am wondering if VMD would call/use the daemon controlling the tracker...
I understand that our tracker is controlled by a demon called trackd and I
looked at the trackd.conf file (I assume this is the configuration file used
by default):

# Trackd configuration file, setup for IS900
# AMIRA Configuration, use trackd.CAVE.conf
# for CAVElib applications.

.. (I include only the lines that I think are relevant)
DeviceOption IS900 transmitterrotation 1 0 0 90
DeviceOption IS900 sensors 0 1 1 0
DeviceOption IS900 controllers 0 1 0 0
DeviceOption IS900 ButtonOrder 2 6 2 1 3 4 5

So I looked on the trackd.CAVE.conf and I found the following:

# Trackd configuration file, setup for IS900
# Use only with CAVElib compatible applications
# please use trackd.AMIRA.conf for TGS AMIRA Applications
DeviceOption IS900 transmitterrotation 1 0 0 90
DeviceOption IS900 sensors 1 1 0 0
DeviceOption IS900 controllers 1 0 0 0

I am thinking that I just have to use the right configuration file to solve my
problem (fingers crossed), since in both files the sensors and controllers are
loaded in a different way...

As the nums are defined as the number of devices belonging to that name, I am
still unsure what the nums in cavebuttons means???

You asked me if the coordinate system transforms on my .caverc file are
different than what NCSA likes to use...
Since I dont know how the coordinate transforms the NCSA likes to use, maybe
you would like to see my .caverc (at the end of the mail).

Again thanks for your help,


# Configuration file for a 3-pipe IR system driving
# 3 wall curved screen Trimension Portable display
# one pipe, ch 0 user left, ch 1 centre, ch 2 user right

# Specify here which Display walls you want to run and in which graphics pipe
#Walls screen0 screen1 screen2
Walls screen0

# Update the display information to reflect which pipe and channel's
# managed area is being displayed to which screen
# Display information for walls (pipe # & (optional) window geometry)
#WallDisplay screen0 :0.0 1024x768+0+0
#WallDisplay screen1 :0.0 1024x768+860+0
#WallDisplay screen2 :0.0 1024x768+1728+0
WallDisplay screen0 :0.0 2752x768+0+0

# These screen corners were calculated using
# radius of 12', 140d FOV
# Field of View per channel is 52 degrees
# Heading offset is 0 degrees
#ProjectionData <wall-name> <eye(s)> <type> <lower-left x y z>
#<upper-left x y z> <lower-right x y z> <units>
# User Left Wall JG
#ProjectionData screen0 * wall -175.875 27.5 -144
#-175.875 127 -144 -47.9659 27.5 -144 inches
# Centre Wall JG
#ProjectionData screen1 * wall -63.9545 27.5 -144
#-63.9545 127 -144 63.9545 27.5 -144 inches
# User Right Wall JG
#ProjectionData screen2 * wall 47.9659 27.5 -144
#47.9659 127 -144 175.875 27.5 -144 inches
# User Left Wall RCA
#ProjectionData screen0 * wall -135 27.5 -78
#-135 127 -78 -45.5 27.5 -166.5 inches
# Centre Wall RCA
#ProjectionData screen1 * wall -62.5 27.5 -159.5
# -62.5 127 -159.5 62.5 27.5 -159.5 inches
# User Right Wall RCA
#ProjectionData screen2 * wall 45.5 27.5 -166.5
# 45.5 127 -166.5 135 27.5 -78 inches

#ProjectionData screen0 * wall -176 27 -196 -176 127 -196 176 27 -196
inchesProjectionData screen0 * wall -176 15 -196 -176 115 -196 176 15 -196
CAVETranslate 0 0 20
#TransmitterOffset 0 1 0
WandSensorOffset 0 1 0

# Leave the wand (sensor #2) as an active sensor but freeze the head
#ActiveSensors 2
# Set the head to have a position of 5' above the origin
#DefaultTrackerPosition 0 5 0

# Display mode - mono / stereo
DisplayMode stereo
StereoBuffer y

# Type of tracking
TrackerType daemon
Wand daemon
Controller daemon

HideCursor y
Simulator n