From: John Stone (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 09:21:01 CDT

> Hi folks,
> This is my first post to this list. I have been meandering my way
> through the VMD user manual (I am using VMD 1.4b1) and I have been
> unable to find a way to either label or display in the text window (the
> latter being preferable) the full "ID" of an atom. E.g. lets say
> I have atom NZ in residue lysine in segment ID HEL1 and resid 21, the
> complete ID woud be
> HEL1:LYS21:NZ or something like that. I have built a protein with
> multiple segments and the residues in each segment are labelled 1-n.
> When I use pic atom I get something like PHE11:HB1, which does not tell
> me which segment this is on.

Try using shift + right mouse click on the atom, which should bring up
a popup menu. Once the popup menu appears, click on the "Info"
submenu. This should yield the information that you are interested in.
It will also print this information to the text console.

If you have any trouble with this, send us a note and we'll help out.

  John Stone

Theoretical Biophysics Group   Email:
Beckman Institute    
University of Illinois         Phone:  (217) 244-3349
405 N. Mathews  Ave              FAX:  (217) 244-6078 
Urbana, IL 61801, USA          Unix Is Good For You!!!